
What should I do if I’m a victim of stolen SNAP benefits?

Following reports of stolen SNAP benefits in Philadelphia and Southeast Pennsylvania due to card skimming devices, Governor Josh Shapiro has urged residents to remain vigilant. If you find that your Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) balance has been depleted, here are steps you can take:

  1. Fill Out Forms: Complete a SNAP fraudulent complaint form and an EBT Card Skimming or Fraud Attestation Affidavit form online.
  2. Contact County Assistance Office: Reach out to your local county assistance office to report the fraud and request a replacement card. Pennsylvania residents can find a list of county assistance offices online.
  3. Complete a Pennsylvania COMPASS Form: Pennsylvania residents can utilize COMPASS, an online platform providing access to various health and human services benefits. You can apply for benefits, renew existing ones, and manage your benefits through COMPASS.
  4. SNAP Resources Directory: Each state has its own SNAP application process. If you don’t find the application online, contact your local SNAP office for assistance.
  5. Stay Alert to Scams and Fraud: Be vigilant as there are ongoing threats targeting benefit recipients. Keep an eye out for potential scams and frauds.
  6. SNAP Fraud Prevention: Familiarize yourself with the efforts of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service in combating SNAP fraud.

Additionally, here are some useful links and contact numbers for SNAP benefit recipients in the Delaware Valley region:

  • Pennsylvania SNAP Directory: Department of Human Services
  • New Jersey SNAP Directory: Department of Human Services
  • New Jersey e-Child Care Swipe Card Customer Service: 1-800-997-3333
  • Delaware SNAP Directory: Department of Social Services
  • Statewide Pennsylvania Customer Service Center: 877-395-8930
  • Pennsylvania Department of Human Service’s Tipline: 1-844-DHS-TIPS (1-844-347-8477)
  • Conduet (Pennsylvania DHS EBT contractor): 1-888-328-7366
  • FBI Recommendations for Using POS Terminals: Be cautious when using card readers, inspect terminals for tampering, cover the keypad when entering PINs, and use chip-enabled cards for added security.

By taking these steps and staying informed, SNAP benefit recipients can protect themselves against fraudulent activities and ensure access to essential benefits.

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