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Was Bigfoot seen in Pennsylvania last year? Witnesses say ‘yes’ – The Morning Call

By Claudia Dimuro (pennlive.com/TNS)

Out of all the legends and cryptids said to be roaming about the United States, Bigfoot may arguably be the most talked about.

Heck, even today’s world is filled with numerous reports of the mythical creature being seen round the country, including some which are said to have occurred in Pennsylvania last year.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) has been collecting data on Bigfoot since 1995.

“…the BFRO is now the oldest and largest organization of its kind — a virtual community of journalists and specialists from diverse backgrounds,” the site reads. “The researchers who compose the BFRO are engaged in projects, including field and laboratory investigations, designed to address various aspects of the Bigfoot phenomenon.

“As a result of the education and experience of its members and the quality of their efforts, the BFRO is widely considered as the most credible and respected investigative network involved in the study of this subject.”

That being said, a list of recent reports submitted to the BFRO shows how Pennsylvania-based evidence of Bigfoot was reported in January of this year.

According to the report, hunters outside of Austin in Potter County claimed to have heard “loud wood knocks” while walking around the Sinnemahoning Creek on Tuesday, Dec. 27.

“Witness [described] the knocks as having a regular beat, equally spaced in cadence,” reads the follow-up investigation report by BFRO investigator, Paul J. Mateja. “Several sets were heard. When one knock set occurred an answering knock sounded from a mother location.

“This occurred several times as the witness was walking back to the truck. Witness had an impression that it was ‘following’ him, escorting him out, and felt very uneasy.”

Another Bigfoot sighting that took place in Pennsylvania last year happened on Monday, Dec. 20, in Indiana, Indiana County.

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https://www.mcall.com/2023/08/11/was-bigfoot-seen-in-pennsylvania-last-year-witnesses-say-yes/ Was Bigfoot seen in Pennsylvania last year? Witnesses say ‘yes’ – The Morning Call

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