
Uncontested Race in 2022 General Election [Voters Guide] | | PA Rights and Policies

The following Pennsylvania House and Senate candidates are uncontested in the general election.

36th Senate District

Republican Senator Ryan Oment, 45, of West Hempfield Township is the 36th with a population of 269,182 including Conoy, Earl, East Donegal, East Hempfield, Elizabeth, Ephrata, Mannheim, Mountjoy, Penn and Rafo. Ward is not contested. , Warwick, West Donegal, West Earl, and West Hempfield townships, and the boroughs of Akron, Columbia, East Petersburg, Elizabethtown, Ephrata, Lititz, Mannheim, Marietta, Mount Joy, Mountville, and New Holland. Aument, who was first elected to the Senate in 2014, is seeking his third four-year term in office.

Legislative District 37

Republican Rep. Mindy Fee, 57, of the Borough of Mannheim, population 66,593, is uncontested in the 37th Ward, which includes the townships of Clay, Elizabeth, Penn, Lafoe, and Warwick, and the boroughs of Lititz and Mannheim. . Fee, who was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 2012, is entering his sixth term in two years.

43rd Legislative District

Rep. Keith J. Greiner, 57, of Upper Leacock Township, has a population of 64,434 and includes 43 townships of Earl, Ephrata, Leacock, Upper Leacock, and West Earl, and the boroughs of Akron, Ephrata, and New Holland. Ward is not contested. First elected to the state House of Representatives in 2012, Greiner is entering his sixth term in two years.

97th Legislative District

Republican Congressman Steven C. Mentzer, 65, of Mannheim Township, has a population of 65,859 and serves in the 97th Ward, which includes Conestoga, East Lampeter, West Lampeter Townships, and parts of Mannheim Township and Manor Township. not contested in Mentzer, who was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 2012, is seeking his second two-year term in his sixth term.

100th Legislative District

Drummore Township Republican Congressman Brian Cutler, 47, serves Burt, Collain, Drummore, East Drummore, Eden, Fulton, Little Britain, Martic, Paradise, Providence, Susbury, Strasburg and Salisbury Townships. part of It also includes the boroughs of Christiana, Quarryville, and Strasburg. Cutler, who was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 2006, will serve as Speaker of the House in 2020, entering his ninth term in two years. Uncontested Race in 2022 General Election [Voters Guide] | | PA Rights and Policies

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