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The Pennsylvania State House is closed for business, but lawmakers are still being paid. Here’s how much traffic jams cost taxpayers. – morning Call

Will your boss pay you full salary even if you fail to meet all your obligations?

we all know the answer. In the real world, rewards are paid according to achievements.

In the world of Pennsylvania politics, even the smallest things get paid.

That’s because on Tuesday, Speaker of the House Mark Rozzi got nervous and announced that the House will remain in session for another month, until February 27th.

That means taxpayers will be paying the massive salaries of 200 state legislators for two months.

The house does not work all year round.representative Named Rozzi Speaker Since then, the House has been dormant.

Without those rules, the House can do nothing. Bill cannot be introduced. Commission hearings cannot be held because there is no bill to review and the Commission is not organized.

Delegates can meet with voters. They can draft bills and write legislative memos seeking support. They can personally negotiate issues among themselves. However, they cannot fully serve the public in the roles they are chosen to perform.

Still, they get paid as if they paid. and paid nicely.

Read on and you might want to have a drink before you find out how much tax money is wasted. political paralysis.

The House of Representatives has 203 seats. There are 3 vacancies and 200 members left.

headquarters Representative salary is $102,844 — Crazy, right? Those in leadership positions earn more — at least they collect more. Whether or not they earn it is debatable.

For simplicity, we will use the base salary of all legislators. The base salary is $8,570 per month. By the end of February, each delegate will be paid her $17,140.

Multiply that by 200 and you get over $3.4 million in taxpayer tabs for the two months the House was unable to fully operate.

This is why politics stinks. It really wastes our money.

The State Senate won’t be in session again until Feb. 27 either. But now that the Senate has approved and organized operating rules, at least senators can complete other tasks in the meantime. Senators can introduce bills and hold committee hearings so that they can immediately vote on the bill when they return to Congress.

The Senate had no intention of adjourning for this long. Because I canceled my scheduled session date, house hibernationthe Senate-approved bill cannot go further.

No cancellation was required. Senators need to work to prepare the bill when the House is reinstated. Senators must be fed up in the House, but that’s no excuse for neglecting their duties.

Rozzi is on hiatus from the House and is taking a statewide “listening tour” to gather public feedback on how the House should operate under the rules.

and he Bipartisan Representation Committee Negotiate terms.

It’s all just a smoke screen.

Rozzi is a Democrat from Berks County who has pledged to serve as an independent party leader but has not formally changed party affiliations.

He’s only stalling to delay action until after February 7th A special election to fill the three vacant seats. All of these seats are in Allegheny County and belong to Democratic districts. So from the Democrats he has three chances to be elected.

By keeping the House out until Feb. 27, Democrats will likely have a majority when it reopens. Democrats can then adopt the rules they want.

Pennsylvania State Capitol

I won’t be attending Rozzi listening sessions, but here are my suggestions:

The House’s original operating rules should be designed to prevent this dishonorable situation from happening again.

If, at the start of a new legislative session, no rules can be agreed upon within a reasonable period of time, say a week, it should be said that the rules of the previous session apply until new rules are adopted.

Then lawmakers will be able to work for those who choose them to pay their salaries. It also motivates legislators to negotiate better rules if they don’t like the old ones.

Wake Up Call columnist Paul Mastic can be reached at 610-820-6582 or paul.muschick@mcall.com.

https://www.mcall.com/opinion/mc-opi-pennsylvania-state-house-session-delay-muschick-20230126-no653byd5ncnxdkbvop7y4mmhi-story.html#ed=rss_www.mcall.com/arcio/rss/category/news/pennsylvania/ The Pennsylvania State House is closed for business, but lawmakers are still being paid. Here’s how much traffic jams cost taxpayers. – morning Call

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