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The campaign aims to stop adults from leaving children to gamble.state

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has launched a new awareness campaign aimed at preventing children from being left unattended while supervised adults gamble at casinos.

The “Don’t Gambling with Children” campaign is a Board effort against the number of minors left in cars in casino parking lots and hotel rooms attached to or near Pennsylvania casinos. Spurred by concerns.

Since the beginning of the year, the Board’s Casino Compliance Department has recorded 269 incidents involving 441 minors.

68 of them are under the age of 6. This compares to his 171 cases involving 279 of her minors in 2021.

The Board was unable to provide a specific number of incidents reported in Mohegan, Pennsylvania for Plains Twp. Mount Airy Casino in Monroe County.

“This was an issue that dates back to the opening of the casino in 2006,” said Kevin O’Toole, executive director of the Gaming Control Board. “But as the number of venues grows and new types of games are added, more incidents are being reported.”

O’Toole said the frequency of these dangerous events has prompted the board to launch an awareness program with two audiences in mind.

“This campaign raises awareness not only for those who gamble and are responsible for their children, but also for the gaming public who want us to be more diligent about looking after children at risk. “I hope that in the end everyone understands the scope of this problem and what to do when faced with a situation in a parking lot, hotel, or anywhere else.” We want you to know that you should report the situation immediately to casino or hotel security who have received extensive training on how to respond appropriately.”

Don’t gamble with children campaigns include television and radio public service announcements, social media posts and videos, print and websites. www.DontGamblewithKids.org.

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https://www.northcentralpa.com/news/state/campaign-aims-to-stop-adults-from-leaving-children-unattended-to-gamble/article_bd650dc5-dc61-5157-93cc-35d7ad2f3e66.html The campaign aims to stop adults from leaving children to gamble.state

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