Home Pennsylvania The Best Universities in Pennsylvania

The Best Universities in Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania is home to a large number of great learning institutions chosen by students. Many undergrads arrive in Pennsylvania each year to get top-tier education in the world’s best schools. Unfortunately, a large number of top-rated academies open for students in the state can confuse prospective learners.

In the post below, we’ve gathered a selection of the top-rated colleges. So, in case you’re looking for the top-rated place to enter the state to get a diploma, scroll down below and discover more about the top institutes before submitting your application.

University of Pennsylvania

It is a private academy that is considered one of the best places to get a higher education countrywide. Even though the enrollment is about 20,000 undergraduates, it’s extremely hard to enter the university. Only the best learners who have outstanding scholarly achievements get accepted. As a result, the acceptance rate at the university is 8% only. Moreover, the university’s popularity keeps growing.

The student-faculty ratio is quite low. It means that students can work with tutors closely. Both parties have plenty of time to explain and grasp all the topics as detailed as possible. It increases the quality of learning significantly. Classes and teachers are the top-rated learners. Most undergraduates who pursue their higher education at the University of Pennsylvania enjoy the learning processes.

Swarthmore College

This one is an elite institute that is scored as A+ by independent experts. The enrollment is 1,500 students, and the student per faculty ratio is 8:1. Unfortunately, the acceptance rate is very competitive, which is 9% only. In addition, it’s required to have a high GPA to enter college. Therefore, some school students reach law essay writers to get help with assignments and boost their grades.

When learners enter Swarthmore College, they get into an amazing community of explorers. The administration works hard to help learners communicate with each other and expand their networks. As a result, learners are engaged in different activities that help students develop not by reading books closed in a library only.

Carnegie Mellon University

It is one of the top world-recognized academies. It foresees the ability to get top-tier tutoring in Art, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, etc. The place attracts a lot of researchers who are not afraid to explore and make mistakes. Carnegie Mellon University praises doers who are not afraid of difficulties. Its enrollment is about 14,000, and the learners-per-tutor ratio is 6:1, which is a great sign.

Since it is popular worldwide, it’s hard to get into for most undergraduates. As a result, only 15% of all the candidates get selected. Only those who have top grades and many academic achievements have a chance to start studying at the university.

It’s a great place for tech-savvy learners who enjoy assembling machines, creating software, etc. In addition, it offers access to new and well-equipped labs where undergrads can experiment and get practical experience. Also, it has a well-established campus that offers the ability to have rest from studies with no hassle. Finally, there are a lot of facilities for on-campus activities.

Haverford College

It is a small but well-known college. The management doesn’t want to compromise on the quality of learning by accepting a large number of students. Therefore, the enrollment is about 1,300 undergraduates. Roughly 25% of all learners came from overseas. It helps create the most diverse community. Indeed, it’s quite hard to enter the college because the admission officers are very selective. The acceptance rate is 16% only.

The campus is established less than ten miles from Philadelphia. It is a dedicated territory where undergrads can focus on studying. There are many college clubs, so learners can find like-minded people, make new connections, and have fun. The educational processes are established perfectly because the student per faculty ratio is 9:1 only. Even though the college is not located far from the city, 98% of undergrads live on campus because it helps them dive deep into the study conditions and gets them dedicated to learning.

Pennsylvania State University

It is widely recognized as Penn State. It is a large academy with over 40,000 learners. There are a lot of programs to learn marketing, computer science, art, journalism, etc. Applicants need to have at least a 3.5 GPA to enter Penn State. Fortunately, the acceptance rate at Pennsylvania State University is 54%, so applicants have a high chance to enter. In addition, the student-faculty rate is 14:1, which is close to the national-wide average.

Studying at Penn State, learners get top-tier knowledge from great tutors. They also get into a large community. There, they can find a society that suits their interests and surround themselves with like-minded folks. Also, Penn State has a great alumni community.