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State Police urge drivers not to stop on interstate to watch fireworks

Pennsylvania (WTAJ)—With Independence Day just a few days away, most people will be spending time with their families, enjoying barbecues and watching fireworks, but police have warned that if you’re on the road, don’t stop and watch. calling to

Pennsylvania Police Constable Christopher Fox is urging drivers to avoid parking on highways, including Interstate 99, to watch the fireworks show. Mr Fox said this was a very dangerous risk and police would be sent out to look for such a person.

“Many vehicles are traveling on interstates when they collide with pedestrians, they are going 60, 70 mph. We want to avoid that as much as possible,” Fox said.

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If you’re looking for a firework show to watch, check out Del Grosso’s Summer Thunder Fireworks on Tuesday, July 4th.Can’t go directly? WTAJ will do its best to support you live broadcast the whole event.

https://www.wtaj.com/news/local-news/state-police-asking-drivers-not-to-stop-on-interstates-to-watch-fireworks/ State Police urge drivers not to stop on interstate to watch fireworks

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