
Popular restaurant The Hub reopens in Youngstown, Ohio

Youngstown, Ohio (WKBN) – A once-hot spot in downtown Youngstown is making a comeback.

You’ve seen the signs for decades. The Hub used to be a place for people to eat and drink in the heart of downtown.

Legal building The developers say they have been working on reuse since around 2020. The parking deck is open.

In Phase 2, we have the hub back up and running.Posted by developer on social media Saturday about the start of Phase 2.

They say they had already received a call within hours.

“I’ve already had 5 calls and 1 of them is yours. It’s a very popular place and people know the hub. We all went to the hub. 80’s I used to go there regularly,” said John Angelilli of Greenheart Property Management.

Property management is looking for potential tenants to move to the hub. Angelilli said he hopes to have a variety of indoor eateries.

Another goal is to make Youngstown more walkable.

Angelilli expressed excitement that the redevelopment has already begun and looks forward to being a part of it. Popular restaurant The Hub reopens in Youngstown, Ohio

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