
Permanent Street Parking Trial Program

a trial program Requiring vehicles on selected city streets to park within painted stalls was made permanent.

At Monday’s meeting, the city council voted unanimously to Correct city code Allowing parking in designated areas and requiring or fines vehicles parked in those areas to remain in the parking areas.

“This ordinance only makes permanent the areas that were part of the pilot program,” said City Council Attorney Michael J. Gomber Jr.

A 90-day trial delineating 1,107 spaces in 31 selected blocks expired at the end of September.

“I was very skeptical of this,” Alderman Christopher Daubert said. “I didn’t expect it to work, but the data suggests it does. So I stand by this one.”

Nathan Matz, executive director of the Reading Parking Authority, said in September that early evaluation of the trial results showed the program to be effective.

Resident feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with 93 out of 98 comments in favor of the stalls, Matz said.

Parking authorities have also heard from residents outside the target area asking them to extend the program to their neighbourhoods, he said.

According to Matz, the downside is costThis is borne by the Parking Authority and could cost up to $1.8 million if expanded to cover all 1,589 blocks of the city.

Gomber said expanding the painted stalls to other parts of the city could be a consideration in the future.

“We believe that strengthening the structures surrounding parking spaces will allow us to make the most of the scarce parking spaces in the city,” said City Councilor Marcia Goodman-Hinersitz.

According to Goodman-Hinnershitz, people often park where they can without thinking about how it might affect others. Guidance provided by stalls might help, she said.

City council members said they expected a backlash from some residents who resisted change.

She said city officials should focus on the positive effects of the program instead of promoting the negative ones.

In reply to Goodman-Hinersitz, board chairman Johanny Cepeda Freytis said, “It’s important to acknowledge that we are proactive,” adding, “As you mentioned, our Please try to identify a solution to the parking problem.”

As the program evolves, she said changes can be made to make it better for everyone.

In other businesses, Fire Chief James Stout said Sunday marks the start of National Fire Prevention Week. It’s the 100th anniversary of our annual campaign.

Cooking is the leading cause of fires in the home, he said.

“If you put something on the stove, especially the stove, and it’s moving, stay in the room,” Stout said. “Don’t sleep, don’t shower, don’t do that.”

Cooking on a stove unattended can easily catch fire, and such a fire can double in size every 30 seconds, he said.

He said keeping the bedroom door closed is also an important precaution.

“That’s a big difference,” he said, adding that online videos of walkthroughs after a house fire show an entire floor with three or four rooms completely destroyed with doors open, but no doors closed. The room you are in is pristine.

Smoke detectors are essential to save lives and minimize damage.

If your apartment complex or other rental property does not have smoke detectors, contact your landlord. The landlord is responsible for installing smoke detectors.

City homeowners are eligible for the fire department’s smoke detector program, he said.

If requested, the department will install smoke detectors throughout the home free of charge, he said.

For more information in English or Spanish, city homeowners should call 610-655-6080. Permanent Street Parking Trial Program

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