
No one accepts true responsibility for the East Palestinian disaster | Zuza Guinness

W.When a train derailed south of Norfolk and flooded 116,000 gallons Less than a mile from my home in East Palestine, a large amount of toxic petrochemicals ignited, most of it igniting. I was terrified. I knew this would disrupt my life, my family and my neighbors’ lives, probably for years to come.

When I was forced to evacuate, I never imagined that my family and I would still be evacuated and living in a hotel after three months. Nor could we have imagined that we would fight to the death for responsibility for South Norfolk and push for Mike DeWine. Ohio The governor has declared a state of emergency and is desperate to get the CDC to come up with clear guidelines for testing and monitoring.

Today I and several other residents affected by the derailment attended the Norfolk Southern Annual Shareholders Meeting. Our attendance was not at the request of the company, but thanks to a shareholder activist who gave us a letter of proxy.

Unfortunately, I was unable to speak at this meeting. If I had, I would have told Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw, and John C. Huffard Jr., Thomas D. Bell Jr. and other members of the company’s board of directors.

We live in part of Ohio, Pennsylvania It has become a victim community for some of America’s worst corporations: petrochemical development, toxic incineration, hydraulic fracturing, and coal. These activities are highly associated with many health problems, including genetic conditions that are passed down through generations. The recent Norfolk Southern train derailment was the latest in a long slap in the face for our community. It’s also the worst.

Since the train derailment, an alarming number of residents have reported lung scars, rashes, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, disorientation, burning eyes and numbness. test I’m finding the probable Level up Inhabitants’ bodies contain benzene and vinyl chloride. Medical tests for dozens of other chemicals don’t even exist, even though the CDC website reveals extreme danger to human life, especially when these chemicals combine. It is said that.

After smelling toxic fumes the night of the derailment, my young son and I both became seriously ill and continue to experience concerning health hazards within minutes of entering our home. . After 3 months it still has a strong chemical smell. Will I get cancer in 10 years? Will my son be able to have children?

A significant portion of the population still lives in cramped hotels or stays with their families and does not know when it is safe to return to their homes. Independent tests have also shown high levels of petrochemicals and dioxins in and around our homes. We are ignored and gassed. The CDC has kept a very low profile. Governor DeWine refuses to speak to us. Alan Shaw claims to be regularly involved with the community, but his visits are infrequent, unannounced, and brief. I don’t know a single person who could talk to him directly.

despite the show Oath To “do whatever it takes” the Norfolk Assistance Center treats us like criminals when we just want to take our lives back and know we are really safe. treat us There is no consistency as to what will be refunded, to whom or when the limited funds will be terminated. I’ve heard that they will start further in-house testing once the excavation under the tracks is complete. Once the excavation is complete, the support will end. Will they be forced to return before their safety is confirmed? Will we be homeless soon? I don’t even know what will happen tomorrow or when I will be able to start recovering from this trauma.

But Norfolk Southern still have a chance to rectify the situation. This is what I want you to do.

1. Provide relocation if the affected person wishes. Those wishing to relocate to hotels and safe housing should be provided with the opportunity, at the expense of Southern Norfolk.

2. Independent environmental testing. EPA must continue testing soil, water, and air for dioxins throughout the region and commit to holding regular public meetings to present the results. Norfolk Southern City must pay an independent scientist hired by its residents to participate in all technical meetings on inspection, cleanup and safety plans on behalf of the community.

3. CONTINUOUS MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS AND MONITORING. It is not yet known what impact this disaster will have on health in the short and long term.we health Welfare services must provide ongoing health monitoring to assess people in affected areas, guarantee health insurance, and be funded by Southern Norfolk.

4. Safe disposal of toxic waste. The EPA cannot collect solid waste from the derailment and dispose of it in the Heritage Thermotoxicity Incinerator near East Liverpool. To contaminate Our community has been around for years. This just spreads the contaminants further. A safety plan is required before resuming removal of the derailment site.

5. Norfolk South agrees to pay 100% of the costs associated with the cleanup and aftermath of this crisis. Taxpayers should not pay for this bill. Southern Norfolk created this mess and they should clean it up. Companies must commit to paying for inspections, relocation, cleaning, medical monitoring and costs, and independent scientific advisors.

Freight train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. Photo: NTSBGov/Reuters

However, rather than addressing these issues, South Norfolk appears to have taken the easier path: to donate Donate money to local schools.I understand there are plans for improvement town park Brought to you by Southern Norfolk. While these contributions are appreciated, they go far beyond what we really need to address the real long-term health and economic impacts we face now and in the future. We know it’s affordable. Sure, a new city park would be a great photo opportunity for a company, but what good is a park if everyone is too sick to go there?

We think you’re afraid to tackle the root problem because you know it’s inevitable that the train will derail again and you don’t want to set a precedent. Stop your PR campaign, take responsibility for the people here, and use some of your incredible profits to cover one of your business costs: train derailment. Our lives have gone off track and it is your responsibility to help us get back on track.

And finally, southern Norfolk must pressure the governor to declare a state of emergency. That way we can get some much-needed Fema help, which so far hasn’t happened because Dewain refuses to sound the alarm. No one accepts true responsibility for the East Palestinian disaster | Zuza Guinness

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