
New owner taking over Acme BBQ location | Jobs

Williamsport, Pennsylvania — The owner of Lucky Bear Barbecue, a Montoulsville-based catering business, said on Facebook that it will open an eat-in and take-out restaurant in Williamsport, where it previously housed Acme Barbecue. announced that .

“Lucky Bear BBQ will continue to provide event catering, but we will also resume dining/takeout at Acme BBQ Company,” the post reads.

The former Acme BBQ location is at 445 Market St. in Williamsport.

The announcement does not include a firm opening date.

I will keep posting all the dates for reopening the restaurant and time to work them out, but please be patient as I want it to be as perfect and perfect as possible. Please understand that this is also a new and growing process for us as well,” the post reads.

For many years the owner restaurant.

“Hmm… here it is,” the post reads.

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