Nanny State – Daily Local
Pennsylvania has many nicknames, most notably the Keystone State, and for a while our tourism slogan was Independent Nation. We are known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” and perhaps most apt in that Pennsylvania has become a nanny state.
Government bureaucrats and some legislators believe that every aspect of our lives should be controlled, from business regulations to the trees and shrubs you can plant in your backyard. The urge to demonstrate intellectual and moral superiority through official government action is a powerful force.
Some of these actions are bordering on frivolous, while others have serious consequences. For example, the Japanese barberry plant is a favorite of homeowners and landscapers. Bright red leaves add color and flavor. The plant is drought tolerant and easy to maintain. They are now also illegal.
Officials at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture issued a decree to keep other plants out, “believed to harbor black-legged ticks,” according to a news release. Note the use of the word “thought”, apparently because the justification lacks scientific fact. As such, the agricultural sector’s superior regulator has ordered an end to the sale of barberries and plans to “issue a cessation and disposal order” next year.
They did not stop there and ordered the Pyrus calleryana tree to be expelled from the kingdom. Most people know this tree as the Bradford Pear. I have some in my garden. It is a fast-growing tree with bright white flowers in spring. Regulators consider this tree “invasive” (mine behaves to stay within bounds) and apparently some people are offended by the smell of the flowers, so it’s a good idea to keep your head is bothering you!
Speaking of being offended, one person (who lives in another state) complained about a reenactment at the historic Bushy Run battlefield in Westmoreland County. The Pennsylvania State Historical Museum Commission has requested that the reenactment be cancelled. The Bushy Run Heritage Society, which runs the park, refused to do so because many of the reenactors were already on location. However, as part of its toxicity control controls, the commission has ordered the park to consult with “appropriate” Native American groups before hosting future reenactments.
Some legislators are also taking action so as not to lose to the bureaucrats. A bill has been introduced in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to make ballooning illegal. So if you’re planning a wedding or other special event and want to feature a balloon release, it’s a good idea to do so now before you get arrested.
Now there may be a good reason not to release the balloon. Waterfowl and other creatures can swallow balloons when they return to Earth, with serious consequences. fair enough. But this is when educating the public is a smarter approach than wasting precious legislative time and energy, as in anti-littering campaigns.
In any of these cases, regulation would have more of an impact than a serious one. Micro-regulation is far more concerning when it affects the health and well-being of federal citizens and impedes economic growth.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a wide range of regulations regarding the provision of healthcare have been temporarily suspended. For example, the range of services provided by nurse practitioners has been expanded and telemedicine regulations have been relaxed. And more qualifications from other states were accepted.
President Joe Biden has declared the COVID-19 pandemic over. So the problem becomes: If we relax or remove these regulations, if it improves healthcare during the pandemic, are they really necessary? In fact, are they actually harmful? It’s time to make these temporary changes permanent. is here.
On the economic front, the House Policy Committee held a series of hearings this summer about the causes of historically high inflation. Policy Committee Chairman Marty Coser (R-McKean/Cameron/Potter) told Center Square: A center that outlines how regulation increases the state’s poverty rate.
House Republicans have a primary goal of reforming and eliminating regulations to “successfully limit the size and scope of government,” said House Majority Leader Kelly Benninghoff (R-Center/Mifflin). . To that end, various committees have asked the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) to review all regulations on books, which he has been doing for over three years, to determine whether they remain in the public interest. requested to do so.
Certain regulations are necessary for society to function smoothly and to protect its citizens. But when regulation becomes frivolous and even more pernicious, it’s time for regulators to reign.
Lowman S. Henry is President and CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly American Radio Journal and Lincoln Radio Journal. His e-mail His address is Nanny State – Daily Local