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Mental health CIT professionals honored at Youngstown, Ohio event

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – Leaders with Mahoning County’s Mental Health and Recovery Board took time Friday to honor those who serve those with mental health issues in the community.

The board hosted a luncheon at the Tyler History Museum in downtown Youngstown.

Among others, Mahoning County Deputy Candy Sykes was recognized as Critical Intervention Team (CIT) Officer of the Year.

CIT programs provide training for law enforcement and other first responders to better handle calls where individuals with mental health problems and their families are involved.

“When you call an officer that’s trained, you can tell with the reaction from our clients. And they’ve really been successful getting things escalated, getting people to the hospital and saving lives,” said Duane Piccirilli, with the Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board.

In all, eight people or programs were recognized for their work in the county’s system of care.

https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/youngstown-news/mental-health-professionals-honored-at-youngstown-event/ Mental health CIT professionals honored at Youngstown, Ohio event

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