
Mahoning County Dog Warden Offers Tips for Calming Pets During Fireworks

Youngstown, Ohio (WKBN) — As people enjoy fireworks displays in their backyards and neighborhoods, humanitarian officials and others want to be reminded of how the fireworks display went. Fireworks can affect pets.

Experts warn that fireworks, especially loud and noisy fireworks and even violent thunderstorms, can scare dogs and cats. They may do everything they can to escape the sound.

Mahoning County dog ​​wardens say it’s important to know your pet and be able to predict how your pet will react.

“Because they are frightened, they will behave in ways they would not otherwise see. it’s all based on fearsays Mahoning County Dog Warden Diane Frye. “You have to really know your dog and anticipate it.”

Dog wardens advise bringing pets to areas of your home where the sound of fireworks exploding is minimized. If you can’t be home with your pet, we recommend keeping it safely in a crate or kennel.

“The best advice I can give is to call your veterinarian. You could do something like that,” Fry said. Mahoning County Dog Warden Offers Tips for Calming Pets During Fireworks

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