
Mahoning County Commissioner nears decision on future of Jackson-Milton waters

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – The Mahoning County Commissioner has some big decisions to make about the future of the Jackson-Milton Water District.

choice is Sell ​​1,100 customers or hold it. Raise the rate so you can stay solvent. Recent research suggests that the system is priced too low.

“We have to be able to operate, maintain and provide the best service, but unfortunately, that comes at a cost,” said Mahoning County Engineer Pat Ginetti.

The consultant recommended doubling the current rate of $5.25 per 1,000 gallons to $10.50 starting this summer, which has not been increased in 15 years, and then every year through 2027.

“Now we have the projection that we have x customers, use this much water, and pay this much for water.

It is unclear when the Commissioner will decide what to do. Time may not be on their side. Ginnetti warns that the US EPA may step in if no decision is made by July 1.

“The EPA has been contacting us about the fees and why they haven’t been raised in a while,” Ginnetti said.

Mahoning County Commissioner David Ditzler said the decision should do what best benefits customers.

“We had to consider these things and decide how to move forward,” said Ditzler.

The commissioner said some action could be taken in the coming weeks. Mahoning County Commissioner nears decision on future of Jackson-Milton waters

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