
It’s runners vs zombies at Poland Track and Cross Country Club’s Zombie Run

POLAND, Ohio (WKBN) – It was a haunting sight at Poland Township Park on Saturday.

About 100 people went to the annual Poland Track and Cross Country Club Zombie Run.

The race started on the grass then onto a gravel path into the woods. Zombies were placed inside the woods to give the runners a jump scare.

It was a competition between the runners and the zombies.

“Each of the runners has caution tape flags like flag football and the zombies try to get as many flags as they can. The runners are just trying to survive through the finish without their caution tape being stolen,” said Kim Grisdale, Poland’s cross-country coach.

About 15 zombies were scattered throughout the woods.

Tino DiCenso contributed to this report. It’s runners vs zombies at Poland Track and Cross Country Club’s Zombie Run

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