
It’s Pennsylvania’s 2023 Primary Election Day Pennsylvania Spotlight

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HARRISBURG — The 2023 primaries begin in Pennsylvania.

Voters are heading to polling places to cast their ballots for statewide judicial offices, local offices such as school commissioners, and two special elections for the House of Representatives. Election officials across the country have also been counting the mail ballots that have arrived over the past few weeks.

The winners of these primaries will face off in the November 7 general election.

Notably, the state Supreme Court has one vacant seat following the death of former Chief Justice Max Baer, ​​who served as a judge for nearly two decades. Courts have final say in major policy disputes, and in recent years have ruled on cases such as: reproductive rights, Obligation to wear a maskand electoral law.

Here’s what you need to know about the 2023 primary results.

When is Election Day?

It’s today! Tuesday, May 16th.

When will voting begin?

Voting begins at 7:00 am and ends at 8:00 pm. If you are standing in line at the end of voting, be sure to stand in line. You can still vote.

where to vote

you can find your polling place here.

Am I registered to vote?

You can check if you are registered here. If you haven’t registered, it’s too late for the May primaries.but you can still register here to vote in the November general election.

Can I still vote if my registration is invalid?

yes! An “inactive” voter is a voter who has not voted for five years and has not responded to the county’s notice of registration.

If that’s your status, you can still vote.

Can I switch parties in the primary election?

It’s too late to switch parties in time for the primary. He must renew his registration at least 15 days before the election.

A voter may choose a candidate in a party’s primary election only if the voter is registered with that party. That means you can’t vote in most primary elections unless you’re registered with either major party. However, if you are registered with a third party, or even if you are an independent, you can still vote in a referendum or special election.

If you want to change your registration for the General Election, you can. here.

Can I still vote if I live in another county?

If you moved to Pennsylvania more than 30 days before the election and have not renewed your registration, you can vote at your old address polling place for one election.

The State Department regulations are: “If you move to another county, you must complete a form with your new address and the county you are moving to. After the election, both your old and new county elections offices will update your voter registration. You will receive a new voter registration card that matches your address.”

However, if you moved to Pennsylvania from another state, you must have resided in that precinct for at least 30 days before the next election to vote there.

For more information, please see the “When Traveling” section of the Department of State website..

What do I need to bring to vote?

If you are voting for the first time, or if you have changed your address and are voting for the first time, you must bring your ID. This includes government-issued identification such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, utility bills or bank statements with your name and address, military or student ID cards, etc. See the full list of options here.

If you have voted at this polling place before, you do not need to bring anything.

How do I know if my vote-by-mail ballot has been received?

You can check the status of your vote-by-mail ballot here.

Can I still vote by mail?

The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot was May 9. If you have not submitted your request by then, you will not be eligible to vote by mail in the primary election.

If you have received your vote-by-mail ballot but have not yet mailed it, do not mail it. Read the instructions for submitting a last-minute vote-by-mail ballot.

I’m worried that my vote-by-mail ballot won’t arrive on time. How can I return the product?

Your county elections office must receive your ballot by 8:00 pm on Election Day. If you still have your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day, please do not drop it in the mail as it will not arrive by the deadline.

Alternatively, if your county offers those options, drop them off at your county elections office, or at a satellite location or drop box. See the full list of ballot return locations here.

I requested a vote-by-mail ballot, but it hasn’t arrived. what should i do?

To check your voting status, contact your county elections office.can find your office here.

If you did not receive your vote-by-mail ballot, you can still vote in person at your polling place. A poll worker will provide you with a provisional ballot, which will be counted after election officials verify that you have not submitted your vote-by-mail ballot.

I have a vote-by-mail ballot, but I don’t want to use it. How can I vote?

Bring all components of your vote-by-mail ballot, including the envelope, to the polling place and hand them over to the polls official. You must sign a form declaring that you have not voted by mail. You will then be able to vote in your constituency.

What should I keep in mind when filling out my vote-by-mail ballot?

Before sending your vote-by-mail ballot, be sure to check the following:

  • Make sure your ballot is sealed in the inner confidential envelope. The secret envelope says “Official Election Ballot”.

  • Do not write anything on the inner secret envelope.

  • Sign and date the voter declaration form on the outside of the outer return envelope and confirm that the date is the current date.

Learn more about how to complete your vote-by-mail ballot. here.

what would you vote for?

You can use the Federation of Women Voters. sample voting tool See what the polls will look like on Election Day, including local elections and how to vote.

Pennsylvania will have several high-level court elections this year, including a seat on the state Supreme Court. You can read Spotlight PA’s guide to state supreme court elections here Commonwealth Courts and Superior Court Elections here.

Voters also select candidates for offices such as school board members, mayors and district attorneys.You can read Spotlight PA’s guide to vetting local candidates here.

For our full coverage, key dates, campaign finance data, sample ballots, and more, visit the link below. 2023 Election Center Website.

Here’s the complete list of Spotlight PA’s voter guides:


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