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Intersection at Midlothian Boulevard and Hillman Street on the South side of Youngstown, Ohio to see another change

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) — There’s yet another change in the traffic pattern at the intersection of Midlothian Boulevard and Hillman Street on the South side of Youngstown. It’s not the first time it happened this year either.

City Council Woman Anita Davis and community activists obtained approximately 600 signatures to make the latest changes to the intersection.

A woman who works in the area says the yellow flashing traffic light was dangerous and that she does not feel comfortable crossing the intersection.

Rose Fragoso often sits outside during her lunch break. She watches the traffic on Midlothian and Hillman. Frogosa has heard cars screeching and the drivers appeared unsure on how to handle the lights when they were only flashing yellow.

“Well, the reason why I avoided it is because I could see an accident waiting to happen. And I seen a couple of accidents almost waiting to happen,” Fragoso said. “Whatever the yield, whoever was yielding, nobody was stopping nobody was following whatever they had up here.”

Fragoso said she was unaware of the most recent changes to the traffic light.

First News reached out to Deputy Public Works Director Chuck Shasho about those changes, but he declined to comment on camera.

Davis, however, did talk about the traffic study that lead to the first changes this year. 

“I know it was only a one-day study; however, that was conducted back there in February, I believe it was, and then they made the decision,” Davis said. “The study said there was not enough traffic, which is crazy, it’s a lot of traffic.”

 Davis has been vocal about changing the traffic pattern.

“Petitions that were out, that myself and other people from the community circulated, petitions to present to the mayor to ask for the restoration of this light,” Davis said.

Davis wants the community to be aware that the light is back to standard operation. Shasho did say that whatever the light is now — that’s how it will stay. 

https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/youngstown-news/yet-another-change-coming-to-local-intersection/ Intersection at Midlothian Boulevard and Hillman Street on the South side of Youngstown, Ohio to see another change

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