Home Lifestyle How to Rent Pet-Friendly Apartment – Rentals in Philadelphia?

How to Rent Pet-Friendly Apartment – Rentals in Philadelphia?


If you’re looking to rent an apartment in Philadelphia and have a pet, you’ll want to know what to expect from the apartment rental process. There are some important things to keep in mind, including fees and deposits. Some places will even ban specific breeds of dogs. Read on to learn more about how to rent a pet-friendly rental in Philadelphia. The city has many wonderful neighborhoods with pet-friendly apartments.

Pet deposits

Before you rent a property, find out how much the landlord will charge you for pets. Most places will require a pet deposit in addition to a regular deposit. This deposit will cover the costs of any wear and tear that the animal may cause to the property. In most cases, the deposit is refundable. A pet deposit can be helpful if your pet causes damage to the property during the pet friendly rentals Philly. The landlord may also ask you for proof of the animal’s health and/or disability so they can reduce their deposit.

If you rent a property that allows pets, you should be aware that these deposits can vary widely. Some landlords may only require a pet deposit if the tenant leaves no evidence of its presence. Others may keep the deposit as a cleaning fee. While the amount of the pet deposit will depend on individual landlords and apartment management companies, the average is anywhere between 40 to 85 percent of the rent. To avoid paying more than you can afford to spend, ask about the size of the deposit.

Neighborhoods with pet-friendly apartments in Philadelphia

You may be looking for an apartment that allows pets, but you don’t want to have to give up all of your amenities or move halfway across town. You don’t have to compromise convenience, either. The following are some neighborhoods in Philadelphia that have pet-friendly apartments. Each neighborhood has unique amenities and characteristics, so take the time to research them all before you decide on a particular property. You may be surprised by how many apartments have pet-friendly policies.

One of the best neighborhoods for pet owners in Philadelphia is the Old City close to Center City. Dog owners here appreciate the big yards and open spaces, which make it an ideal location for those with large breeds. There are also several dog parks in the area, another huge bonus for dog owners.

Tips for finding a pet-friendly rental

There are many reasons to live in a neighborhood with pet-friendly rental properties. Large dogs, particularly, are popular with many people. According to a recent survey, big dogs deter criminals from breaking into homes. Moreover, dogs are loud and unmistakable, so a burglar will not know what to expect. In addition, these animals can bring years of enjoyment. These benefits make them a good investment for tenants and landlords alike.

Before you apply for a pet-friendly rental in Philadelphia, be sure to check if the property you’re applying for allows pets. If it does, you’ll want to get clearance from property management. Many won’t allow noise-producing animals, and others might not let pets of any size in their properties. Pet owners should bring veterinary records with them so that they can show that their pets have all of the required shots and vaccinations.