Home Entertainment How do online casinos use artificial intelligence

How do online casinos use artificial intelligence


Online casinos have been at the forefront in the use of new technology for a long time. Part of the reason for this is that they understand that players want new experiences on a regular basis. As such, it is often an industry in which new ideas are trialled prior to using them in a mainstream setting. One such example in recent times has been using artificial intelligence (AI). Online casinos use AI in a myriad of different ways, which often make the experience more positive. Take a look at how AI might be enhancing your gameplay without you even realizing it.

Sign-up process

This is one that you’re probably well aware of. Have you seen a CAPTCHA when signing up to an online casino? This is an example of AI in action. The AI in use here checks your responses in order to work out whether you are a real person or if you’re a robot trying to game the system. It has been used at pretty much all online casinos, from PA online casinos to English online casinos.

This helps to make sure that the site is being used in a legitimate fashion, without having to devote extra manpower to the site. It also saves time, as manual checks could end up making the sign-up process take a lot longer. Of course, AI is also used when checking ID for sites that have KYC protocols in place. Both of these uses of AI help to create a database of visuals that can be used to help self-driving cars, such as the ones Tesla has been developing.

Responsible gambling

This is something that not many people will be aware of. There has been a huge drive to increase the level of responsible gambling in recent years. While some companies offer staff incentives to try and combat gambling addictions, there are others that are looking into using AI to make it a much easier process.

The way it’s expected to work is by checking out the gambling habits of players. So, it will look at deposit rates and the way in which players are betting on different games. It will then notice when there are irregularities in the way that they are playing. So, if deposits become more frequent after a losing streak, AI might flag that there is a potential problem. The site will then reach out to the player in order to try and resolve the problem before it becomes debilitating.

This means that human error is less likely to come into effect, as AI will be analyzing the stats around each individual player automatically. By using this in combination with humans checking up on players, it will offer the ability to limit the number of players who succumb to gambling problems.

This is something that casino regulators could look to make mandatory, if initial trials are a success. Such a step could ease a lot of the issues that operators and regulators are currently facing. This could in turn help for areas that don’t have legal gambling to state the case for allowing it to be offered.

New ways to play

AI can be used in a number of different ways. One of the most common uses for it in the modern world is in video games. AI has been used to create some of the most complex non-player characters in the history of games. With this being known, it’s conceivable that developers could attempt to use it to create new forms of games.

With AI already being used in various blackjack games that are offered, it makes sense that a new game could make its way onto the market. Something that allows players to compete against the computer and raises the bar on the level of skill required to succeed in the casino world would likely be very popular with players. Humans are always competitive, so the opportunity to compete for money would definitely appeal.

AI could be used in other ways as well – for example, crypto gaming. Because crypto is generally a very volatile currency, it follows that it could be difficult to set wager levels on crypto games. So, by using AI, it could allow for stakes to be modified in real time depending on the value of the crypto that is being used in play.

This would make it much more appealing to players to play with crypto, as they could set limits that are more in line with the fiat currency they use in their area.