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Hersheypark is adding a new hybrid coaster this summer.life

Hersheypark amusement park unveils all-new Wildcats Revenge Hybrid Coaster This summer, according to release from the park.

One of Hersheypark’s 15 coasters, the wood-and-steel hybrid debuts 100 years after the park’s first wildcat ride opened.

Made Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC)Revenge of the Wildcats According to the release, it will add an all-new steel truck with unique elements to the existing wooden framework.

The hybrid coaster features a 140-foot hill, a top speed of 62 mph, and 4 inversions, including the world’s largest underflip.

“Based on feedback from our guests, we knew coaster fans would love our Hersheypark hybrid. Excited to make coasters at Hershey Park.

“Wildcat’s Revenge features the best of RMC’s signature thrills, including four inversions with the world’s largest underflip, inverted stall, zero G roll and reversing downhill roll.”

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https://www.northcentralpa.com/life/hersheypark-to-add-new-hybrid-coaster-this-summer/article_c3dc65f0-5ae2-11ed-a1ba-678bd5652821.html Hersheypark is adding a new hybrid coaster this summer.life

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