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Federal Emergency Management Agency calls for local back-up plans in case of major flooding of Mahoning River

(WKBN) – If there is a major flood tomorrow along the Mahoning River, partly caused by water flowing through the Meander Reservoir Dam, there are plans on how to deal with it. do not. That is why the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District (MVSD) has been tasked with developing the plan at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Tuesday was the first meeting to ask for help.

On Tuesday afternoon, 15 attendees listened as MVSD chief engineer Mike McNitch asked for help in planning the flood that everyone hoped would never happen.

“We want the entire community to understand that a once-in-a-century flood will affect the entire Mahoning Basin,” McNitch said.

The scenario created is that the once-in-a-century flood has already happened, which means 5 inches of rain in 24 hours already. Now, he has another billion gallons of water to be released into the Meander Dam spillway. So what happens next?

“All that will be affected are phone lines, railroad tracks running up and down the river, telecommunications lines, the internet, fiber optics,” McNitch said.

The meeting was convened to develop plans for how best to prepare in the event of catastrophic flooding.

“We are working with communities, valley residents and all stakeholders here to understand where the risks are now, where the future risks are and where the waters are likely to rise. We want to identify ​and make a plan,” said Tony Burgoyne of OHM Advisors.

Mahoning County EMA Director Robin Rees wasn’t sure he could help.

“We will do more to coordinate and support our response. So in some aspects of our preparations, we are not on track,” Reese said.

Tuesday’s meeting was meant to let people know that the MVSD is seeking advice on how to deal with major floods. It is hoped that all information will be gathered by the fall and the report will be completed by the end of the year.

FEMA hopes to conduct this study as part of efforts to rehabilitate the existing Meander Reservoir Dam.

https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/fema-calls-for-backup-plan-should-mahoning-river-majorly-flood/ Federal Emergency Management Agency calls for local back-up plans in case of major flooding of Mahoning River

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