Home Tech Everything you wanted to know about business data migration

Everything you wanted to know about business data migration


The database is at the heart of a business’ growth, profitability and strategy making. Due to various applications and ever growing volume, databases can grow in size quickly over time, often leading to increased costs and reduced scalability. To solve this, businesses migrate existing databases to newer, faster, cheaper and more scalable alternatives. Migration of data from one source to a target destination might sound simple, but it is a lengthy, complex and resource intensive process.

With technology advancements, relationship-based databases have emerged as superior alternatives to standard database systems for collecting, filtering and organising information based on specific fields to generate rich analytics. With relational databases, the speed and accuracy increased many folds, and they quickly became the standard for creating, maintaining, managing and implementing database systems.

As the value of data continues to grow, businesses want to be more agile, updated and tactical with how they make use of sales and customer data. To achieve this, they need cloud-based database solutions which can help them achieve more from anywhere. By moving from legacy systems to modern, future-ready data warehouses, businesses can make the right data decisions without incurring massive overheads or investing critical resources.

Now that we understand why business data migration is a critical process, let us look at some of the challenges encountered during the process.

  1. Loss of Data: One of the most common challenges faced during migration is data loss, which is why businesses should carefully plan and test for data loss before starting and after completing the migration process.
  1. Breach of Data: The security of data is of paramount importance to any business. Yet, data security breaches are a common concern experienced while migrating databases from a source to a target destination.
  1. Assimilation of Data: Large scale organisations and enterprises often have multiple databases for different functions inside a company. Locating and assembling disparate databases before migration is a lengthy and time consuming process.

Before migrating your business data from source to destination, businesses must carefully consider the required steps. Below are some aspects to keep in consideration:

  1. What is the size of your database?
  2. Does your database contain large tables?
  3. What types of data will be migrated?

Once you have an understanding about the above, the next step is to assess and profile the source data for quality and accuracy, and establish rules to validate if the migration process was efficient and successful.

Imagine if you are migrating data from Oracle to SQL server and you are not aware about the granular details about your data, then you will likely make common mistakes leading to data loss, breach or inaccurate data migration due to format inconsistencies.

Those who understand data, should know that migrating indexes can be another challenge as they are stored differently in Oracle and SQL. Further, you should also keep in consideration the conversion scope and the licence you might require for your database needs in SQL.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use third-party tools and data migration platforms for data migration.

Is your business planning to migrate Oracle data to SQL server?  Then it is important to understand what is the best migration approach for your needs. For example – you could bulk load your source data and migrate it in one go, or choose timely, incremental data migration phases. There are pros and cons of each approach, and thus, it helps to consult a data migration expert to avoid mistakes and costly failures.

This is where specialised tools for Oracle to SQL server migration come in handy. If your business is ready to migrate data from Oracle to SQL server, then it is time to explore Bryteflow.

Bryteflow is an enterprise-grade, fully automated tool to migrate data from Oracle to SQL server, and it takes very little time to do that, when compared with tools like Azure Data Factory, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle (SSMA).

Bryteflow supports ingestion of bulk data migration with parallel loading for high speed, real-time data migration from all versions of Oracle, including Oracle 12 c and 19c. Merge data from any API, files or database and make it easily transformable for SQL server destination. Bryteflow offers blazing fast data replication speed, businesses can bulk load and replicate data without writing any code.

If you have massie data to migrate from one place to another, then it’s time to explore Bryteflow’s legendary data migration platform which offers 6 times faster speeds than conventional tools like HVR, Goldengate and other SQL migration tools.

Get in touch with Byteflow for a free trial and experience a seamless, secure and scalable way to migrate your business data to a new database system. No more waiting, worrying or exhausting precious resources. Try a better alternative to traditional migration tools and experience the power of Bryteflow’s on demand server migration platform.

It’s time to turn your legacy database system into a future-ready, faster solution so your business can derive the right insights and make better decisions at the speed of change.