
Electoral Commission to Hold Special Meeting Tuesday | Local News

The day after the agenda for a special meeting of the Indiana County Election Commission was raised, county officials announced that such a meeting would be held on Tuesday, November 1, at 1 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room on the second floor of the county. announced that Indiana County Courthouse.

Executive Director Robin Mayai said Board meetings are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Persons with special needs should notify her office at (724) 465-3805. This phone number can be accessed by voice or TDD.

The meeting followed discussions at the board’s Wednesday morning meeting, where Homer Mayor Arlene Wanatski asked about rules for mailed ballots before the actual election day, Nov. 8. .

The Electoral Commission agenda reminded voters to “follow the instructions carefully and seal the ballot in a secret white envelope marked ‘Official Election Ballot’.” Sign and date the return envelope. Failure to follow these instructions may result in your vote being denied. ”

However, it is being contested in court.

Earlier this month, Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of State Lee M. Chapman said county election officials count mail-in ballots arriving in external envelopes with inaccurate or non-existent handwritten dates, even though state law requires it. said there was a need.

This follows the US Supreme Court’s decision to invalidate a May ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit regarding mail-in ballots.

Circuit courts, including Pennsylvania, have said undated mail-in ballots required for return envelopes must count in the 2021 Pennsylvania judicial election.

Last week, state and national Republicans filed a new lawsuit to stop mail-in ballots without the voter’s handwritten date on the return envelope from being counted. The GOP’s filing went directly to the state’s Supreme Court, but the court doesn’t have to file a lawsuit, according to the Associated Press.

In any event, the Board of Elections agenda states, “Voted ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m. (November 8) at the latest. Or you can bring it in person to the court.The drop box is available in the lobby from 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday.”

On November 8th itself, ballot boxes will be available until 8:00 pm, when voting closes across the Commonwealth. Electoral Commission to Hold Special Meeting Tuesday | Local News

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