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Disenrollment from Medicaid and CHIP paused in Pennsylvania

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WTAJ) – Thursday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, announced that 30 states have paused procedural disenrollment from Medicaid and CHIP.

This means that more than 100,000 Pennsylvanians will be reenrolled in their health coverage, according to a press release from U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, released on Sept. 22.

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Earlier in September, Casey introduced the Medicaid for Every Child Act. This bill, if passed, would automatically enroll every child in Medicaid from birth until age 18. The over 2.6 million children in Pennsylvania would not only receive medical insurance through this act, but would also be prevented from losing health coverage due to procedural errors ever again.

https://www.wtaj.com/news/regional-news/disenrollment-from-medicaid-and-chip-paused-in-pennsylvania/ Disenrollment from Medicaid and CHIP paused in Pennsylvania

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