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Biden narrowly avoided political condemnation. His next two years could be a dominant dead end. 2022 US Midterm Elections

With the next two years of his presidency pending and congressional in balance, Joe Biden I picked up the phone on Tuesday night and started making a series of congratulatory calls.

Initially, the president congratulated candidates widely expected to win the election, such as Wes Moore. Firmly He defeated his far-right opponent to become Maryland’s first black governor.But soon the president, like Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger, was blessing Democrats with more competitive elections. Declared “Craziest election night I’ve ever seen,” in an early morning text to Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman of the most hotly contested Senate election that has become a proxy war between Biden and Donald In one, he defeated celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz.Trump.

By Wednesday afternoon, parliamentary control had been balanced. But it was clear that the president’s party defied the most dire predictions, and Mr. Biden, despite being plagued by economic frustration and dismal approval ratings, had his predecessor in power. It has avoided the devastating political scrutiny of past midterm elections.

‘We Bet on the People of Pennsylvania’: John Fetterman Defeats Dr. Oz to Win Crucial Senate Seat – Video

At Wednesday’s press conference, Biden reveled in his party’s success.

If Republicans take control of one or both houses of the House, despite the Democrats’ more optimistic outlook, it could upend the trajectory of his presidency, jeopardize his legislative agenda, and make his administration uninvestigative. would be overwhelming. Biden, who turns 80 this month, also faces a pressing decision on whether to run for re-election in 2024.

The president claimed Wednesday that he intends to run again and is expected to make a formal decision early next year. Mr. Biden replied, “Be careful.”

Trump may not be the only Republican Biden to worry about in 2024. Florida Governor, Ron DeSantisTrump, who has long been seen as a more disciplined and conservative alternative to Trump, declared victory before the crowd chanted “two more years.”

‘Florida is about to wake up and die’: Republican Ron DeSantis re-elected governor – video

It could be several more days, possibly weeks, before the full results are known, but a mixed portrait was beginning to emerge. Repel the “red wave”. Republican We had victories in Florida and Ohio. Some key Senate elections have been too close in several key states, including Georgia, which is headed to a run-off vote in December that could determine a majority as well as two years ago. .

435 Democrats emboldened on abortion rights issue in part of suburban Virginia, Kansas, in a district-by-district battle for seats. Michiganwhere voters enshrined reproductive freedom in its constitution.

Republicans, meanwhile, may take a key seat in a pitch-blue New York, defeating Democrat Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, chairman of the Democratic campaign arm of the House of Representatives, for a small majority in Congress.

There were losses that haunted the Democrats.Democratic star Stacey Abrams couldn’t be ousted Georgia Republican Brian Kemp in a bitter 2018 contest rematch. With strong Republican support in Texas, Democrat hopes of making Texas blue have cooled. And even more worrying about the long-term national prospects for the Republican Party is the Republican dominance in the House, after the 2020 Census, which will see districts voted to back their own candidates. It appeared to be due in no small part to aggressive partisan attempts to redraw.

The narrow control of the House of Representatives could fuel increasingly Trump supporters in the Republican Congress, who are calling for a number of investigations into Biden administration officials and his family.

Some threatened to impeach the president or his senior officials. And Republican leaders have already unveiled plans to use the mandatory passage appropriations bill as leverage to extract concessions from Congress, which could lead to government shutdowns and even dangerous defaults. It promises a political brink.

Biden mocked Republicans for failing to present a serious governance agenda while accusing them of jeopardizing popular programs such as Social Security and Medicare. He accused Biden’s policies of exacerbating inflation and causing chaos on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There are signs of campaigning in the midterm elections in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Photo: Quinn Glabicki/Reuters

The Senate is now split 50-50 with Kamala Harris as a tiebreaker vote, which remains within reach of Democrats on Wednesday, though the outcome may not be known until after Georgia’s runoff vote next month. There is. Biden, who holds a majority in the Democratic Senate, could confirm cabinet ministers, ambassadors and judges, including Supreme Court justices, if vacancies arise. A Republican victory could withhold or block Biden’s Attorney General nomination and federal nomination.

It was no longer possible for Democrats to win a two-seat majority in the Senate. Biden had promised to codify the law if voters elected two more senators willing to remove the filibuster. Still, it appears he needed a Democratic House of Representatives to deliver on his promises.

Speaking in Chicago last week, Biden spoke candidly about what a Republican majority means for his ability to govern.

“If we lose the House and Senate,” he told Democratic donors in Chicago, “it’s going to be two horrible years.”

But on Wednesday, Biden vowed to work with Republican leaders to find common ground. We were optimistic that we could build on his legislative agenda, which we predicted would become even more popular in the coming months.

Biden also argued that the election sent a “clear and unmistakable message” that Americans want to keep America’s system of government afloat, and that the 2020 election results continue to be denied by forces loyal to Trump. Warned of being threatened. Conspiracy over voter fraud.

“It was a good day for democracy and I think it’s a good day for America,” Biden said of the election results. has spoken and proved again that is ours.”

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/09/biden-political-rebuke-democrats-two-years-governing-gridlock Biden narrowly avoided political condemnation. His next two years could be a dominant dead end. 2022 US Midterm Elections

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