Home Business 2022’s Ultimate Remote Work Stats

2022’s Ultimate Remote Work Stats


Much of the world has embraced the shift to remote work and the inclusion of travel too with the launch of numerous remote work visas over the past two years – it has caused a shift in business as a whole as there has even grown a potential for a four day work week. The growth of remote work has also opened up opportunities for digital nomad jobs as location independence has become the norm and flexibility has grown – but what are some of the most interesting statistics behind this change to remote work over the past year or two?

2022’s Ultimate Remote Work Stats

A strange market tops the list – The common thought would be that the majority of remote workers are in the tech or business/financial sector as the work itself is perceived as being more capable no matter the location, but the leading sector for remote work is actually in healthcare as up to 15% of workers enjoy a remote lifestyle. A lesson to be learned here is that no matter the industry being explored, it’ll be worth checking remote options as there could be some surprise jobs looking to recruit primarily remotely.

A 159% increase in remote ­– Since 2009, there has been an approximate growth of 159% for those able to work from home – this will primarily be due to a rapid change in technology that has allowed the shift with cloud storage and other communication technologies which make on site presence not as expected, but the past two years and the global health crisis certainly did have an impact here too. There are expectations that by 2028, 73% of all business departments are expected to have a remote component to them too leading to more remote working opportunities.

A long way to go for fully remote – It’ll come as no surprise that there’s still a large number of companies that haven’t made the change yet, suggestions put around 44% of businesses having no remote possibilities at all, and as high as 16% of companies globally being fully remote – it’s likely impossible to have a 100% rate of fully remote working business until automation and robot factories become more common place, but the number of businesses choosing to go fully remote or weighted more in place of remote is growing, and the opportunities to change working habits are too.

It’s certainly an exciting period of time for those looking to change up the way they work, whether a hybrid approach or going fully remote, and the flexibility is being praised for fixing the work life balance which for years has been more in favor of one over the other.