Home Pennsylvania Top 7 Reasons You Need An Estate Lawyer

Top 7 Reasons You Need An Estate Lawyer


Planning for your family’s future is a daunting task. Just the thought of it can make anyone feel overwhelmed and anxious about what to do with their estate when they pass away. Luckily, there are professionals out there that specialize in this area, like a real estate lawyer.

However, when you think about hiring a real estate lawyer, it might seem a little unsettling. After all, what’s the average person going to need with legal advice? You might not even know where to begin when deciding who to hire and how much they’ll cost you.

But having an estate lawyer, like Blake Harris Law estate planning attorneys, on your side is worth its weight in gold. Here are some of the top reasons why:

  1. Estate Planning

You might not think about it now, but everyone will have to go someday. It’s important that your family is prepared for the future when you’re gone. Estate lawyers can help you through this process and make sure everything turns out okay.

One way lawyers can do this is through something called a will. This is when your lawyer will help you to determine what should happen with your assets when you pass away. Are there specific people that need something from your estate? Should there be a trust in place for a child or loved one?

Top 7 Reasons You Need An Estate Lawyer
Happy senior couple during the meeting with agent or financial consultant, signing some agreement in the comfortable office

These are among the things an estate attorney can help you with planning. That’s why it’s essential to ensure you have one by your side if you’re leaving an inheritance behind.

  1. Wills And Trusts

As mentioned above, a will is a legal document that gives instructions about what to do with your property after you die, while a trust helps manage assets before someone dies.

If you only have one or two things that need to go somewhere, a simple will should do the trick. But if you own property (trust, homes, vehicles, etc.), it might make more sense to set up a trust. This way, your loved ones can keep living in your home even after you’re gone without worrying about it being sold.

  1. Probate

The probate court oversees the distribution of an individual’s estate according to their last wishes as set out in their will or trust. Probate can be a lengthy and expensive process, and thankfully, an estate attorney can help you avoid it. This way, your family doesn’t have to worry about dealing with that stress or spending vast amount of money necessary to do this correctly.

  1. Guardianship

Guardianships are used when parents pass away and leave minor children behind or if they’re unable to take care of them due to illness or disability.

Legal guardianship is for the children’s best interests. An estate lawyer can help you through this process so you can rest assured that your kids are in good hands. Take note that legal documents will need to be filed and court appearances will have to be made, so it’s important that this is done correctly.

  1. Elder Law Services

Elderly people often need assistance managing finances and health care decisions, among other things. This is where elderly law comes in.

Estate attorneys are the perfect professionals to help your loved ones through these complicated matters. They’re experienced and equipped with all the information they need to ensure that things won’tgo wrong. Thus, you won’t have to worry about this stress on top of everything else.

  1. Estate Investments

Estate planning lawyers can also advise you on how to make smart investments for your family.

Whether you want to invest in a business or buy a new home, you’ll need someone experienced and knowledgeable on your side to make sure the transaction goes smoothly. These professionals will be able to help you from beginning to end, so nothing falls apart later on down the line.

  1. Taxation Issues

Taxes may be owed on income from estates worth more than $5 million, which can make it difficult for heirs who don’t have access to this much money upfront.

Estate planning attorneys can help you avoid taxes. This means your loved ones don’t have to deal with this problem. If you have a large estate, it’s important they’re involved in the process so they know what’s going on along the way.


Estate planning is a process that should be started as soon as possible, and you’ll need an estate lawyer to help. Remember, it’s never too early or late to start thinking about your future, as well as those you love. That’s why it’s important that you choose your lawyer wisely.

When it comes to estate matters, time is of the essence, so you need to make sure you choose someone who knows what they’re doing right away.