Home Lifestyle 5 Best Creative Resume Ideas

5 Best Creative Resume Ideas


Writing a brilliant resume is the first step to your success in the search for a new job. Yet, just imagine you are an HR department representative reading tons of resumes daily. Would you be interested in a person who writes a standard and banal resume with dry facts of his biography? We are pretty sure you won’t even notice it! Today, having a standardized resume is no more a benefit as it was 20 years ago. You may need some inspiration to represent yourself and your bright sides to your future employer in the best way.

What could improve your resume by making it interesting and eye-catching? These are two options you should consider for this. The first one is using an interesting resume template to place information on the paper in the most profitable way to make all your strengths be seen at a glance.

On https://cv2you.com/ you can cope with that task with ease as there are lots of templates and design options to create an impressive resume.

The other thing that is worth your attention is the content of your resume. What to write in it? How to write it? We’ve collected several ideas for your creative resume. Let’s check them out!

1 Simpler Is Better

Each headhunter spends only a few seconds evaluating your resume. So he or she won’t dwell into it trying to find something interesting in you. Be simple and remember that brevity is a soul of wit. Make the essence of your skills, both hard and soft, and depict it in the resume. Do not list all your previous working experiences if you changed jobs often. Just list the most relevant ones.

2 Use Hi-Tech Means for Your Resume Creative Design

Using hi-tech is trendy. What does it mean in terms of resume creation? Get out of standard templates! Create your resume in the form of your Facebook profile. Make it in video format by shooting a small explainer video about you. And then just send a QR code that links to that video to your employer. If you have a website, make it your tool for self-presentation and invite HRs to visit it.

3 Sometimes, Provocation Is Acute

Depending on the job you want to get, use creativity in your resume. For artistic professions, fashion industry, video production or marketing, it is suitable sometimes even to shock a headhunter with your resume. These industries require an outstanding way of thinking so such a provocative resume will come in handy.


4 Use Infographics

All the information we perceive is better remembered in a visual form. Plain text is not only boring but also unremarkable. Blend the text in your resume with some kind of infographics. It will be both eye-catching and informative.

5 Enclose Your Personality

The modern approach in headhunting concentrates on a personality, not on a number of functions you are eager to perform. So make your personality shining through your resume. Do not avoid listing your hobbies and experiences. Write in a few words about your personal bright sides i.e. nature traits, communicative skills etc.

With these tips, we are sure, your resume will catch the eye of the most sophisticated and nasty HR so we wish you to get the job you dreamt of using them.