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Time Management: How to Manage Your Time Effectively


Being a mom is not easy on its own. Let alone being a working mom who has to stay at home with their children. This year has truly been a rollercoaster for all of us. Have you had a feeling that the days have gone shorter and the to-do lists for longer? Yeah, we’ve all been there, especially when our children had to go on distance learning. Moms had new roles to take as their home teachers, not to mention the new “work from home” lifestyle they already had to embark on. Overall, these recent months have taught us many things. One of them is the value of time and the essential need to manage it well. Thus, we have come up with a few useful tips on managing your time effectively, even during the busiest of times.

Learn to prioritize

Let’s start with the key element of successful time-management – priorities. The ability to prioritize correctly will save you time, money, and energy. Time management stands on this beautiful skill. We start to think about time management only in periods when we are overwhelmed with things to do, right? You need to pick children from school, help with the homework, finish that work project, make dinner, finish a book, and all those other things you plan for a day. When we think of the size of our to-do list, we start panicking. Panic is the enemy of time management. Just keep that in mind.

What you need to do instead is to set your priorities right. Think of the things with short deadlines. Think which of them are of the most importance. See? These are your number one priorities. Then move on to the things that are of lesser importance but still urgent. Here you have it. The beginning of your day or week is mapped with your top priorities. Now, when you think, “I need to craft an assigned task till Thursday and finish my kid’s costume till Friday,” you know where your priorities lie and where you should focus first.

As a mom, you think of yourself as a multitasker – a person who can do a hundred things at once. This is not how you should approach it. A good plan and clear priorities will make a great difference in your life. You will also notice how many unimportant tasks fill up our schedule daily. Getting rid of them during a crisis is the best thing you can do for your time.

Set doable goals

Too often, we feel stressed and anxious about the things we need to do. Often this happens due to poor time-management skills and overdoing it. What we are trying to say is don’t try jumping over your head. Set goals that you know you can achieve. This strategy does a few things for you at once. First, when you set the goals with time limits you know you will have trouble achieving, you ruin your entire schedule. You don’t give yourself enough time to finish the task. You start rushing and postponing the things that you had next on a schedule. For example, if you know that your project should take four hours, don’t try to downsize it to three hours. Take the time you need to check oxessays reviews or ask for some assistancefrom colleagues or professionals. Otherwise, you’ll end up with unfinished tasks and a breach in your timetable.

Second, setting doable goals reduces anxiety. Having plans that you know are nearly possible to complete puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on you. Thus, you put yourself in a stressful situation that you could avoid if you used time-management tools in the first place.

Learn to say no

Maybe it is not the most obvious time-management skill, though it can be essential to many moms out there. Learn to say no. Even if it’s to your kids. Even if it is to your spouse, just know how many things you can do in a day, week, or month, and say no to the rest. It is okay to say no to a kid who comes to you saying, “could you help with my papers?” It’s okay to ask your spouse to share the chores that are usually assigned to you. If you want to learn good time-management skills, you need to know your limits as well as your strength. Saying no to things that you can’t fit into your schedule, or don’t find important enough, is what you have to learn to do.

Take breaks

The last thing you need right now is burning out due to all the stress you put on yourself. Time-management is not all about how to fit your to-do list in 24 hours. It is also about how to make your life a little bit easier. You shouldn’t forget to include breaks in between your tasks. Also, don’t exclude time for yourself from your schedule. You need to take care of your needs before taking care of anything or anyone else.