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The Importance of Being CPR Trained—4 Reasons to Start Learning CPR Right Away


How many times have you witnessed an accident or even been a part of one? Were you able to provide help to the injured party? If the answer is yes, then congratulations— you probably saved a life. However, if the answer is no, you probably had no idea how to assist until the ambulance arrived. That brings us to today’s topic—the importance of knowing CPR and being prepared to use it. Unfortunately, accidents happen daily and when you least expect it. That’s why it’s necessary to know the basic life-saving skills to help the person in need and provide support.

Most people usually take first-aid and CPR training when applying for their driver’s license or when their job requires it. But that is still a low percentage of people who possess knowledge of the skill. You probably feel like there’s a one in a million chance that you’ll be expected to provide assistance in an emergency. Let us tell you—you have no idea how wrong you are. It’s always better to prepare ahead, learn the skill and pray that you never have to use it. If you’re wondering why CPR is so important, then keep reading the article to find out.

Saving a life

We can’t emphasize enough how CPR knowledge is crucial in matters of life and death. One of the most common reasons for death in the USA, especially when dealing with children and minors, is drowning. The statistics show that an average of 4,000 people lose their lives due to unintentional drowning. If more people learned CPR, the number would be much lower and the data would change with time. As children are the most vulnerable party, it’s highly recommended that parents put in the extra effort and take a couple of classes to educate themselves on how to save a life.

However, drowning isn’t the only situation where CPR is essential. Another leading cause of death in the USA is cardiac arrest which affects adults, namely those with coronary heart diseases.  Most cardiac arrest cases take place at home, meaning you’ll be the only person who can provide help to the family member until the paramedics come. That alone should be reason enough to learn CPR.

More than a simple mouth-to-mouth

In movies, you often see a character giving mouth-to-mouth, and the victim is brought back to life within seconds. In reality, CPR and first aid are much more than that, and it’s not as easy as it seems on TV. Also, many people are concerned about the health risks that come with giving mouth-to-mouth to a stranger. Therefore, they avoid learning CPR as they feel mouth-to-mouth is necessary for every emergency.

However, the CPR guidelines have changed over the last couple of years, and back in 2010, it was said that people who do not feel comfortable with engaging in mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should only attempt hands-on CPR.

Easy to learn

With our busy schedules and daily activities, we have little to no time for extracurricular activities. Our 9 to 5 drains us so much that, as soon as we get home, we enjoy a home-cooked meal and spend the rest of the evening relaxing and preparing for the next day. If you have children, you probably don’t have time for the relaxing part of the evening. So, how does a busy adult with a hectic schedule find the time and power of will to learn something new?

Fortunately, many schools and training centers have realized that traditional learning has to keep up with modern trends and adapt to the digital era. That’s why today we have a wide range of online courses to choose from, including medical courses, which allow you to learn the basics of saving a life during your lunch break. You won’t have to sacrifice your free time to obtain a new skill. Also, most of these courses give you proof of completion, so you won’t have to worry about getting your CPR certification. As soon as you’ve passed the course successfully your CPR card should be on your way. However, make sure to read the testimonials before choosing a course just in case.

More job opportunities

If saving a person’s life and helping them recover faster isn’t a good enough reason to start learning CPR, then look at it from a different perspective. Nowadays, most job roles require the person to have some elementary knowledge about CPR and first aid. If your role involves working with children, then knowing CPR is a must. In fact, there are a lot of job roles that demand CPR training from their employees.

For instance, personal trainers, coaches, flight attendants, babysitters, and child care providers are just some careers where CPR certification is helpful. If you show up to the HR interview and they see that you’ve gone the extra mile and obtained the certificate, you’ll be sure to stand out in the crowd of job-seekers.

The bottom line

Knowing CPR is priceless and the training will equip you with the relevant skills you’ll need to save a life. Plus, it will also help you when searching for a job as these kinds of certifications always look good on CV. The way to earning a certificate is simple, so there’s no excuse. The sooner you learn CPR, the more prepared you’ll be for emergencies.