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The Green Zone: 8 Countries You Can Visit Before a New Academic Year


You don’t have to stay holed up in a country just because you’re a student. No law limits you from flying across the globe and experiencing the world by yourself. Yes, we can always get to know more about a particular country by reading books, but nothing can compare to seeing and feeling things yourself.

As a student, it’s an excellent idea for you to travel around the world. For one, you get to enjoy interacting with foreigners and learning more about their culture and heritage. You can also learn new skills and create bonds and connections with new people. Then, if you’re interested, you can understand their language and work on your fluency. Overall, you have nothing to lose by taking some time out of your yearly calendar to go somewhere on the other side of the map.

Still, while it’s good to travel worldwide, you have to be very strategic about where you’re going. There are some factors you should consider before choosing what country you should visit. Some of these factors include tourist attractions, cost of travel, location, education system, etc.

Considering these factors, we’ve put together a list of countries you can before a new academic year in Pennsylvania begins:


Our first pick is England, and that’s because the country is well known for upholding its long-standing traditions. Besides that, the place is definitely a sight to see, with its historic sites and buildings, evergreen hills, and peaceful surroundings. While you’re there, you might want to enjoy their rich tea and visit the famous Buckingham Palace.


Oh, how can we not mention the romantic country? Everything about the country, from the citizens’ fashion statement, to their terrific buildings and various mouth-watering dishes, calls out to the adventurous part of every student.

And there’s absolutely no way you’d talk about France without referring to the beautiful city of Paris, where many lovers are known to go to create precious memories together.

So, while you’re there, ensure you enjoy all that the country has to offer, and don’t forget to visit the Eiffel Tower – that’s the highlight of every tourist’s journey to the country. France’s history and arts are also scattered across their various museums and libraries, so ensure to check those out when you can.

Even though France is all glitz and glamour, the place has the most impressive education system and one of the best cultural sites. So, you can never go wrong by visiting the country as a student. You’re surely going to have the time of your life and be armed with a load of exciting tales and stories.


Spain is a bubbly country that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. If you’re one for the energetic and lavish lifestyle, then this country is for you. Their irresistible cuisine and warm beaches are going to be the highlight of your visit.


No country screams adventure louder than Australia, and you can be sure that there’ll never be a dull moment for you throughout your stay there. Australia boasts of some of the best wildlife you would ever come across – think kangaroos and koalas. Even in the ocean, you’ll find a wide range of sea animals that will make you wonder about the beauty of nature.

As a quick tip, students studying zoology or wildlife – or any animal lover – would find this place one of the best countries to visit.


China is one country that we’re certain you can never get enough of. Chances are you’d always want to go back there after your first trip, and why not? The country has some of the most diverse and unique cultures and history; it might take more than a single journey to take it all in.

Then there’s the fact that the Asian country is well-populated, so there are different people to meet, new things to experience, and another adventure awaiting you at the corner of every street. And what about the country’s cuisine? Totally worth trying out.


While China is loud and vibrant, you can call Japan its cool and calm sister. The country is one of the most hospitable and welcoming countries you’d ever visit, and any student will feel right at home in this place.

The streets of Japan are littered with some eye-catching sights. That means there’s always something interesting to witness every step of the way. Also, you should note that Japan has one of the best education systems globally and hosts some of the world’s best Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs. If you’re interested, you might want to check these programs out while you’re visiting.


Not only is Switzerland one of the most peaceful countries in the world, but it also allows you to interact with nature. There you’ll be introduced to outdoor sports like biking, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and so on. Also, the country is famous for its wide array of chocolate, so chocolate lovers might want to hop on this bandwagon.

A lover of languages will also find Switzerland a good place to go, as the country has four official languages – Italian, French, Swiss-German, and Romansh.


We can’t help but include this country in this list. Novel lovers would remember reading about the Viking ruins, castles, and cliffs within the pages of their books. All the better if they get to see it for themselves. And the friendly disposition of its citizens will make it easier for students to relax while exploring the culture-rich country.

Honestly, nothing beats going to another country and having a taste of how they live their lives. Imagine resuming a new academic year with different stories to tell your colleagues. It’s such a sweet feeling. And, you can always cover this information in your college writing assignment, even when you work with a professional essay writing service like AdvancedWriters.

So, while you’re on break, plan to take a trip and enjoy life in all its various dimensions. You can find out more about countries to visit before your new academic year in Pennsylvania colleges or universities start.