Home Education Define Developing Models Of Atoms In Simple Words

Define Developing Models Of Atoms In Simple Words


Do you know that all matter is actually made up of atoms? The word “atom” belongs to Ancient Greece to understand its genesis. It means it could be said that the word “atom” indeed comes from Ancient Greek and the meaning of this word is called indivisible.

Atoms also change their shape on the basis of atoms indeed. Have you ever contemplated how iron remains so solid remaining at room temperature? On the other hand, water atoms are regarded as smooth and slippery. It helps to understand why water remains liquid at room temperature and can easily be poured. But we know that this is not the case. These ideas help to form the foundation regarding the future atomic models.

The fact cannot be ignored that it needed a long wait before these foundations were supposed to be built upon. It did not happen until 1803. It was regarded as the English Chemist John Dalton kicked off to create a quite logical definition of the atom. What did he do? He emphasized on the ideas of the Ancient Greeks in the context of explaining atoms in the form of small, hard spheres which were indeed indivisible. And that atoms of an introduced element are associated with each other. Here, it could be said that one point quite still holds true following the notable exception in the form of isotopes following different elements which are quite different following their number of neutrons.

Well, it could be said that neutrons would not be discovered until 1932. Chances are high that we might forgive Dalton this oversight. More theories started coming up such as how atoms amalgamated to create compounds and also introduce the first set of chemical symbols of the known elements.

Developing Models Of Atoms –

An atom is regarded as the smallest particle considering every element. To put in simple words, protons, neutrons and electrons are called what atoms are made of. Protons and Neutrons located in the nucleus of the atom and electrons orbit the nucleus.

It could be said that atoms always do come up with an equal number of protons and electrons. Moreover, the neutrons and proton numbers are generally the same indeed. Protons and Neutrons go together in the nucleus following a strong force regarded as the strong nuclear force indeed.

The nucleus of atoms is generally surrounded following a cloud of electrons. You need to understand how these electrons are actually structured around the nucleus learning about electron configuration and 4 quantum numbers.

Let’s understand a bit about the Different Atomic Models in a detailed manner. Here, we are going to mention –

  • Dalton’s Model – Following John Dalton’s model, all matter was created of tiny particles known as atoms. They could be imagined in the form of tiny solid balls. As per Dalton’s model, these are findings such as the atoms cannot truly be broken down easily, the atoms of a particular item are familiar to each other, each element holds different atoms, and chemical reactions cause atoms to rearrange and create different substances.
  • Thomson’s Model – As per this model, atoms are actually neutral and that is why the findings come out such as toms are spheres of positive charge and electrons have been dotted around inside.

Most students also get confused about the term called Quantum Numbers & Electronic Configuration. Talking about the quantum number, they are actually about the unique properties of electrons as well as their orbitals. In short, it could be said that there are a total number of 4 quantum numbers.

Conclusion –

Hope the above mentioned information has given you a much needed idea to eradicate all your confusions. If you are preparing for an exam then you might have to put in a bit more effort since it may seem a bit tricky to you in the beginning.