Home Pennsylvania Best MikroTik guest agent – What is QEMU guest agent used for?

Best MikroTik guest agent – What is QEMU guest agent used for?


QEMU is a virtual machine emulator. It can be used for running operating systems in the virtual environment. The guest agent is an extension of QEMU which allows running guest operating system in a way that it can be monitored and controlled by the guest.

The guest agent is mainly used for monitoring and troubleshooting purpose. It can also be used for security purposes, such as malware detection, or even for debugging purposes, such as when an application crashes on the guest side and needs to be debugged on the host side.

What is a guest agent?

A guest agent is a type of virtual machine that is used to provide services to the host system. Guest agents are usually installed on a guest operating system and they will typically be running as part of the guest OS. This means that they have full access to all the resources and features of the guest OS, which makes them suitable for use in situations where you need high performance or low latency access.

A guest agent is a type of virtual machine that can be used to create virtual machines on a host system. Guest agents are not usually installed by default in the host system, they need to be installed separately.

What does the QEMU agent do?

The QEMU agent is a lightweight process that monitors the system state and notifies the user when there is a change that requires attention. It can monitor live system activity, such as the CPU, memory, I/O, and network usage.

The QEMU agent has three main functions:

  1. Monitoring changes in system state and notifying users when they occur
  2. Providing an interface for running commands on a guest virtual machine without affecting its state
  3. Collecting statistics about guest virtual machines

The QEMU agent is a process that runs in the background to monitor changes in the system state. When it detects changes in the system state, it takes the necessary steps to ensure that they are reflected on the guest OS.


QEMU is a generic and open-source machine emulator and virtualizer. It can run a variety of guest operating systems, including Linux, Windows, DOS, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris, and others. KVM is the Linux kernel’s built-in full virtualization support for running multiple virtual machines on a single host with each virtual machine acting as if it were the only one running on the system.

QEMU provides two main modes: user emulation mode (for emulating one specific type of hardware) and system emulation mode (for emulating a complete system). KVM supports only system emulation mode. KVM can be used to set up different types of virtualization environments such as software containers or para-virtualization while QEMU is limited to para-virtualization

Installing QEMU

The first step in installing gems on your machine is downloading them from the QEMU website. Once downloaded, unzip the file and open up a terminal window (or command prompt). You will need root access to install QEMU, so enter “sudosu” before continuing.The next step is to install the QEMU packages, which you can do with “apt-get install QEMU”.Now that QEMU is installed on your machine. The only thing that is left is a VPS, the best recommendation is to buy a MikroTik VPS.

Installing QEMU guest agent on a Windows virtual machine

QEMU guest agent is a tool that enables QEMU to provide various services to the virtual machine. It is installed on the host, and not inside the virtual machine. It is an optional component and can be installed manually.

The QEMU guest agent can be used to enable some of the features which are not available by default in Windows virtual machines, such as:

  1. Support for USB devices
  2. Support for shared folders
  3. Support for serial ports
  4. Support for sound cards

Installing QEMU guest agent on a Linux virtual machine

Installing the QEMU guest agent on a Linux virtual machine is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. It enables the VM to communicate with the host machine.
  2. The guest agent allows you to monitor and control your virtual machine from the host machine.
  3. Guest agent installation also provides additional functionality such as live migration, hot plugging, and high precision timers.
  4. Guest agents can be installed on a Linux or Windows guest OS.
  5. There are two ways of installing a guest agent: automatic installation or manual installation.


MikroTikRouterOS is a Linux-based operating system (the kernel) primarily used on MikroTik’s range of wireless routers, but also other devices such as those from Ubiquiti Networks. The software provides routing, IP addressing, network address translation (NAT), firewalling and packet filtering functionality.

The main features of MikroTikRouterOS are:

  1. It is a Linux-based operating system that provides routing, IP addressing, NAT, and packet filtering functionality
  2. It has a built-in DHCP server
  3. It has built-in dynamic DNS services- It supports VPN and remote access (client-server)
  4. It has support for wireless clients, including WDS bridging, AP isolation, and MAC filtering
  5. It has a built-in firewall that includes support for IPSec, statefulfirewall, and NAT rules.

Install RouterOS on QEMU

Install RouterOS on QEMU is a free and open-source project that enables you to run RouterOS in a virtual machine.It’s an easy and convenient way to try out the operating system, experiment with routing protocols and setups, or use it for teaching purposes.The steps are as follows:

  1. Download the latest version of RouterOS
  2. Extract the downloaded file
  3. Copy the extracted files to the QEMU directory
  4. Connect to the QEMU machine and start it up

MikroTikQEMU guest agent is a program that runs on top of the MikroTikRouterOS operating system. It is used to manage virtualization and can be used to manage other types of resources as well. Guest agents are often used to manage virtual machines, but they can also be used for other purposes such as managing network interfaces or storage devices.