Home Lifestyle 6 Tips to Planning a Christmas Party

6 Tips to Planning a Christmas Party


Holiday parties are a favorite among adults and children alike. Whether you’re planning a work party or a party for friends and family, you need to know how to plan one without any hassle. While having a party gives you one more thing to worry about during the holiday season, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are tips to help you plan a Christmas party.

1.   Create a Plan

Holiday parties might not be something that you enjoy planning, but they’re something that you enjoy experiencing. If you plan your party carefully, you can ensure that it’s simple and easy. Consider all of the things that have to be done for your party and make a list.

When planning, start with the basics, including your party’s theme, location, and how many people you expect to be there. If you want to plan every detail, you can make dates for when you should have things done. For example, if you need a caterer, set a date for when you’ll need to have the details locked in.

2.   Find the Best Time

While many people have holiday parties the night of Christmas Eve, you might want to ask your friends and family to see when they’d be available. One thing to keep in mind is that your holiday party should always take place before the holiday, even if that means that it occurs the weekend before the holiday.

For example, if you’re having a Christmas party and Christmas falls on a Friday, you can send invitations that have the date of the party as being the weekend before Christmas. It’s important to keep in mind that many people prefer to spend the night of the holiday with their immediate family members, so they might not come to your party if it’s scheduled for the exact day of the holiday.

Ask your family and friends when the best time would be for them to come to your party so that you can make it convenient for them.

3.   Let Everyone Know the Dress Code

You can make your party as casual or dressy as you’d like, just make sure that everyone knows what they should wear. No matter what the dress code, you should always allow fun Christmas shirts so that everyone can celebrate the holiday the way they want to.

4.   Recruit Help

Planning and hosting a holiday party all alone is no easy feat. You can recruit your friends and family to help by asking them to bring a dish or dessert to the party so that you don’t have to worry about the catering.

Make a list of the different types of food you’ll need, from appetizers and main dishes to snacks for the kids, and ask all of the attendees to help out by bringing one item. By asking them to sign up, you’ll know exactly what you’re missing so that you can fill any gaps.

5.   Get the Right Party Supplies

As soon as you know that you’ll be planning a Christmas party, make sure that you purchase the right supplies in time. While you’ll need disposable plates and eating utensils, you’ll also need party decorations. We recommend buying your party supplies as soon as possible so that you don’t have to worry about making any last-minute trips to the store.

6.   Set Up a Gift Exchange

As the party planner, you won’t be expected to purchase gifts for everyone, but you should consider setting up a gift exchange. Whether you want to do a white elephant gift exchange or set a spending limit, a gift exchange will give everyone something to do during the party. Purchase a couple of additional gifts just in case a few of your guests forget so that no one is left out.

Planning a Christmas party should be fun, not a chore. Use these six tips to make your party planning process go a little smoother this year.