White Knight’s Game Room is preparing to open its second location in Lock Haven.work

Lock Haven, Pennsylvania — A one-stop shop for all tabletop games in Williamsport, White Knight’s Game Room is expanding its operations to Lock Haven.

A new satellite store at 110 Main St in Lock Haven will open in the coming weeks.

White Knight game room owner Eric Guthrie, along with his wife Katherine, will open a satellite location in Lock Haven with fellow husband-and-wife duo Alex and Ali Di Costanzo.

According to Guthrie, the new store is a way to bring more White Knight products into the hands of more customers and increase community engagement.

“Local shoppers will have access to millions of dollars worth of gamer products that are not available anywhere else,” said Guthrie.

Guthrie said he has already donated $1,000 of stuffed animals as “welcome to the neighborhood” greetings for Lock Haven’s Halloween parade.

The Lock Haven location is not intended to replace the long-standing location at the Pajama Factory in Williamsport, which has been in business for over ten years.

White Knight’s Game Room shop area in Williamsport has over 2,000 square feet of space dedicated to “millions of dollars” in tabletop and card game products.

Instead, the new 1,400-square-foot location will house a small play area of ​​four to five tables, providing an opportunity for Lock Haven’s local gaming community to grow.

This is considerably smaller than the 8,700 square feet of space at the Williamsport location, which includes nearly 6,000 square feet of game room for playing Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Magic: The Gathering, and more.

Guthrie hopes the league will form at Lockhaven, which could come to the Williamsport location for regional tournaments. This is a plan that Guthrie is actively working on.

Guthrie, who has 25 years of experience and has never sold electronic games, said that White Knight’s game room and products help young people who grew up on the Internet learn simple networking skills that video games lack. said it can be done. He said college students come in unable to converse with him or his peers.

According to Guthrie, things change as people become more involved with their communities and bond through their shared hobbies and love of gaming.

Once one gamer masters communication skills, they can spread those skills to others around them. “They can get fellow jobs,” Guthrie said.

He said games like Dungeons & Dragons also offer a more fun and engaging way for younger children to learn basic math skills such as fractions.

Patrons under the age of 18 who are interested in attending White Nights events, which are held five days a week, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on their first trip. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all events.

According to Guthrie, the game room has a large sofa and TV and is not meant for gamers, but for parents who are with them.

White Knight’s Game Room had no plans to expand into other aspects of otaku culture, such as selling comics. The store chose to “stay in their lane,” Guthrie said.

“I can keep pushing forward with what I know and make it stronger and share it,” Guthrie said. please.”

Eric’s Edibles, another Guthrie business that offered 84 pickled foods, has been closed since the COVID-19 pandemic. There are plans to reopen the kitchen, but it is not yet known when that will be.

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https://www.northcentralpa.com/business/white-knights-game-room-preps-to-open-second-location-in-lock-haven/article_12eb7cea-5ed4-11ed-b8d4-9b261906f575.html White Knight’s Game Room is preparing to open its second location in Lock Haven.work

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