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What To Look For In An Australian Dentist – A Guide For American Ex-Pats


Moving from one country to another can be a seismic ordeal. If you are doing this yourself, you effectively need to set up a brand-new life for yourself.

Part of this involves signing up with the services in your new area that look after your well-being. There are places like hospitals, gyms, and, of course, dentists to consider here.

As an American, you are likely used to receiving quality care when it comes to your oral hygiene. You can find the same level of service in Australia, though things can vary somewhat dramatically in people’s choices with their teeth. So long as you make the right ones, your smile will shine.

If you are feeling overwhelmed while living abroad, our guide should help you find the perfect Australian dentist for you. Read on for some insights and what to look for.

Something New

As an American ex-pat, you will understandably be tempted to compare Australian dentists to those in your home country. It may not be helpful for you to do this too much.

Holding onto bias or expecting things to be done a certain way will inevitably lead to unmet expectations. Even small grievances will loom large if you obsess over all these details. If you keep questioning which country is better or worse for dental care, you will needlessly distract yourself from finding a quality practitioner.

Appreciate that you are in Australia and value the country for everything it offers. Embrace the level of change in every aspect of your life, including dental care. That way, you can focus more on finding the best services for you in a new country, instead of having your mind in two different places at once.

 Affordable Costs

Costs must be carefully considered when seeking dental treatment in Brisbane. The expenses will vary from dentist to dentist, so shopping around is necessary.

Where they practice and what treatment solutions they provide can influence how much dentists charge for their services. Depending on your needs, it may be worth researching which areas are more affordable or affluent. Prices can fluctuate between hundreds of Australian dollars, so taking your time here is important.

Medicare can pay for some essential dental needs for both adults and children. Many Australians also use private health insurance and funds to cover some or all of the treatment costs. If money is tight, further investigating these solutions to see what support you are eligible for could help things. That way, you can be treated by the best dentist in a less taxing manner.


Space and place matter greatly when you try to find the right service for you. Your chosen ideal dentist needs to be accessible in line with your needs.

For example, public transport has been dubbed as the future, so if you are one of the many carless people in Australia, your ideal dentist needs to accommodate that. Are they within walking distance of a bus stop or train station? Remember, booking a taxi ride to a dentist in the middle of nowhere will incur a hefty charge, so plan out your journey.

Disability access should be thought about, too, if applicable. In these situations, be sure to ring your potential dentist ahead of time and ask about the relevant facilities they have available. If they have not adapted their premises to meet your needs, then you will know to resume your search elsewhere.

You may not have moved to Australia alone. If accompanying family members also need a dentist, you should consider their needs. Is the location safe for your kids? Is your spouse in favour of the choice? If you have any doubts, you can always enquire about their thoughts.

Dynamic Service

Great dentists can offer a dynamic service. They can answer all your oral health-related needs irrespective of most circumstances.

Take Pure Dentistry as an example. They are a dentist in Brisbanewho can do everything from emergency procedures to cosmetic upgrades; you can have a look at their website for a breakdown of their services. Furthermore, they can help kids and adults alike, which means them a perfect candidate if you have brought your family overseas with you. Crowns, extractions, implants, mouthguards – it is all available here. Patients can use laughing gas, so they feel at ease during their appointments.

If you can find one practitioner who does seemingly everything, you can have true peace of mind when using these services. After all, you can rely on them for almost anything. It also speaks volumes on their levels of success, as they undoubtedly have many resources and experts at their disposal. All of these things can give you confidence.

Cosmetic dentistry services can be just as important as the regular kind in many ways. A brighter smile can boost your self-esteem, social prospects, and mental well-being. Value all of these services equally, and make good use of them when needed.

Positive Demeanours

Like doctors, dentists need the ability to be personable, empathetic, and supportive. Their social skills should be marvellous.

Before committing to practice, most of the best Australian dentists will welcome you the chance to consult with them beforehand. You can discuss anything and everything about what they offer and share any concerns you might hold.

Set up one of these meetings and note the dentist’s demeanour. Do they seem kind and patient? Are they confident issuing their expertise? What is their body language communicating? Some of these questions might seem redundant, but they can all tell you something about the kind of treatment you can expect while in their care.

Of course, most people are simply looking to check their oral hygiene when visiting a dentist and are not necessarily looking to make friends. Still, friendly service means a great deal to many people these days, especially with all the bleakness in the world. Expect an upbeat and friendly attitude, as life is too short for anything less.

Positive Reviews

Many people in Australia care about their teeth. If they have a resoundingly positive or negative experience with a dentist, they will be sure to let the world know about it.

Look up your potential dentists online and see what people say about them. Their web domain of the best practitioners will likely feature patients’ impressions and positive comments from awarding bodies.

Try to look beyond their website’s review pages as well, as they may only publish favourable quotes and omit any criticism. Type in the dentist’s name on your favourite search engines and social media pages and see what comes up. Instead of seeing single reviews, you may see a discussion take place between web users, granting you more insights, comparisons, and recommendations.

Look for detail as well. Single-line remarks can be rather surface level and do not necessarily give an accurate account of what you can expect from a paediatric dentist, good or bad. More detailed reviews highlight stronger feelings on the subject, which are likely (but not guaranteed) to be more legitimate. Search for a pattern in the consensus and judge from there.


Australian dentistry is remarkable in most instances. Still, you should expect to do some searching before finding that perfect setup for you. So long as you are patient and set reasonable expectations, you will surely find a team of caring professionals who are eager to look after you and your smile.