Home Education Top 25 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

Top 25 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts


Fun parades, the smell of pumpkin pies, Black Friday shopping, delicious turkey, and lots of warm memories with friends and family – these are just some of the many things we love about Thanksgiving. And now, it is that time of the year again!

People love this holiday so much that when its season finally begins, all the talks, activities, and even writing are only about it. So if you are a student, a parent, a teacher, or just someone looking to make writing a fun activity, in this article, you will find some of the best Thanksgiving writing prompts you can use.

Why Use Writing Prompts?

Writing has always been one of the integral elements of education. But, though students of all academic levels are facing written assignments quite often, many of them still struggle with writing. As a result, they buy essay from quality authors to get their tasks done and receive high grades. So, of course, turning to an essay writing service can help you handle the task and even improve your writing. Yet, the only way to really take your skills to the next level is to get plenty of practice. And that’s when writing prompts will come in handy.

In a nutshell, a writing prompt is a short topic statement or a question that points the direction for your writing and has to be answered. There are plenty of reasons to use prompts:

  • To clarify the topic;
  • To find inspiration;
  • To practice writing;
  • To make writing easier, etc.

Besides, prompts, especially those connected to holidays, can help to create fun classroom or home activities that both entertain participants and help them write something meaningful.

Simple Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

For hassle-free writing activities that don’t take much time yet give you the so-needed practice, you should use simple Thanksgiving prompts. These prompts take only a bit of time to answer. So, they are perfect for a quick writing session. And, thanks to their simplicity, they can also come in handy for classroom activities in elementary, middle, and high schools.

  1. What is Thanksgiving to me?
  2. Why is Thanksgiving my favorite holiday?
  3. My favorite type of Thanksgiving food is…
  4. What Thanksgiving traditions do we have in our family?
  5. This year I am thankful for…

Fun Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

Fun Thanksgiving prompts are perfect for fun classroom or holiday activities with friends or family. Also, fun prompts are known to encourage thinking outside the box. So, if you need a little boost in creativity, here are a few writing prompts you can use for this.

  1. Many TV shows create special Thanksgiving episodes to entertain the public. Write a script for your own special episode (or, for a shorter activity, write a description of what your episode would be like).
  2. There are plenty of different Thanksgiving traditions that families adopt. Does your family have a unique tradition that no one else has? If yes, describe this unique tradition.
  3. Write a fictional short story about a turkey and Thanksgiving.
  4. What is your most favorite Thanksgiving dish? Write a short descriptive essay with an emphasis on sensory details.
  5. What is your least favorite Thanksgiving dish? Write a short descriptive essay with an emphasis on sensory details.
  6. Write a poem (acrostic, free verse, ballad, etc.) with one of the following (or all) words: Thanksgiving, Turkey, Family, Grateful/Gratitude.
  7. What do you think would happen if we celebrated Thanksgiving in June instead of November? Write a short story about how it would be different.
  8. Imagine you have a pet turkey. What would it be like to take care of it? What would your daily routine look like?
  9. Write a fictional story about the celebration of Thanksgiving in 2050.
  10. Pretend you are a special, intelligent turkey and write a letter to Americans/your friends/family to convince them they should NOT have turkey on their Thanksgiving table.

Advanced Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

If you are a college or university student, most likely, using a simple Thanksgiving prompt for writing an essay or practicing your skills will not work. In this case, you should choose a prompt that would be more advanced and complex. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

  1. What does gratitude mean to you?
  2. Explain your most favorite part of the Thanksgiving season and what makes it so special to you.
  3. Write a letter to someone you are thankful to have in your life.
  4. How does a “perfect” Thanksgiving holiday look to you? Do you prefer a quiet family dinner or a noisy party? Whom would you like to have by your side? Give plenty of detail.
  5. Is Black Friday an important part of Thanksgiving or just a way for businesses to make more money? Give your opinion and support it with arguments.
  6. Do you think the tradition to hold a ceremony during which a president “pardons” the turkey is ethical? Why?
  7. What is the history behind Thanksgiving? Share your outlook on the initial values and traditions of this holiday.
  8. Write a letter to explain Thanksgiving and its key traditions to someone from another country who has never heard of it before.
  9. Share your opinion on Black Friday violence and its impact on society.
  10. Write a detail-rich story about your most precious and special Thanksgiving day.

To Sum Up

These are some of the most exciting prompts you can use for fun writing sessions. Don’t hesitate to give them a try and have a great Thanksgiving this year!