of political paralysis In our state, the Legislature is planning several government reform bills that will make the Pennsylvania government more accountable and transparent.
In the last month or so, lawmakers from both parties have circulated memos to their colleagues asking for their support for legislation they are trying to introduce.
However, they cannot yet draft or debate bills because the state legislature is not in session. It cannot be operated because there is no operation rule.
It’s embarrassing.
The state Senate has suspended as well. This is because legislation executed by the Senate cannot be considered by the hibernating House.
We don’t know when lawmakers will get back to work for the taxpayers they represent, who the taxpayers are. inflated salaryIn that case, here are three bills worthy of quick consideration in the House and then in the Senate.
Rep. Peter Schweyer of D-Lehigh said he plans to introduce legislation to allow county election commissions to send campaign finance reports they receive from local candidates to the State Department and post them online. rice field.
Candidates for state government submit their reports directly to the state and the state issues them. The county commission is not required to publish the reports it receives from the municipality, the school board, and runners in county races.
Anyone wishing to see these candidates’ reports must check the records (usually paper records) at the individual county office. That would be inefficient and an “undue burden” for voters, Schweyer wrote in the legislative memo.
“Increased transparency will clarify otherwise complex processes and act as a public accountability mechanism,” he said.
I traveled to the local elections office, obtained a copy of the report, and wasted countless hours logging it into a spreadsheet for analysis.
I propose to make one adjustment to the legislation that Schweyer is planning. Candidates must submit their reports to the State Department rather than the county elections office handing them over. Election officials already have plenty of work to do.
Delaware Democratic Rep. Mike Zabel said he plans to introduce legislation to make it easier for the public to know if a company that wins a state contract contributed to a state official’s campaign. and raised the question of whether their donations affected their contracts.
“Current law requires state contracts and their costs to be posted for public scrutiny, but a contractor’s campaign contributions play a role in determining who is awarded a state contract. There is no way for the public to determine whether or not they could have been killed,” Zabel wrote. Legislative Note.
His law requires bidders on state contracts to submit voluntary listings. campaign donation They made for the previous year. Also, they must disclose the contributions he made during the term of the contract awarded and for one year after the contract was completed.
Last year, House state committees unanimously endorsed his bill, but it did not pass.
“Our voters deserve a fair and transparent government that allocates taxes efficiently,” Zabel said. “State contracts should go to those who do the best work, not those who can donate the most.”
Rep. Benjamin Sanchez, D-Montgomery, said he plans to introduce laws that change when the public votes Amendments to State Constitutions and other polling questions.
The bill would limit poll questions to appear only in presidential or presidential elections. gubernatorial election year.
Voter turnout was high that year.
“The time has come to ensure that voting questions are submitted to and decided upon by as many eligible voters as possible,” Sanchez wrote in a legislative memo. “This ensures that more voters have a say in amending the state constitution. Democracy works best when everyone participates.”
But it doesn’t work at all if the state legislators aren’t working.
Wake Up Call columnist Paul Mastic can be reached at 610-820-6582 or paul.muschick@mcall.com.
https://www.mcall.com/opinion/mc-opi-pennsylvania-good-government-bills-muschick-20230123-yqoosx6vx5c43pfywrjn4gdtea-story.html#ed=rss_www.mcall.com/arcio/rss/category/news/local/ Three Bills Pennsylvania House Should Consider: Paul Mussick