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Local Business Partners with SpaceX’s Starlink | Jobs

WILLIAMSPORT, PA — Connecting with SpaceX’s Starlink satellite technology will allow local businesses to improve broadband for their most remote customers.

Williamsport-based EnerStar Solutions has reached an agreement with SpaceX’s Starlink to add broadband to its menu of services, especially for customers in more remote areas of the state.

EnerStar Solutions provides rental, telecommunications, logistics, construction and other services to the oil and gas, renewable energy and construction industries. There are 5 locations across the United States.

“EnerStar’s communications division has done a formidable task of providing communications services to remote energy industry sites over the past decade.

“Starlink offers the only solution that addresses client needs for high throughput speeds and low latency for ‘real-time’ drilling requirements, as well as continuous communication requirements for all personnel on site for business, personal and safety purposes.” Offers. ” He said.

essentially, ener star Now you can share important information with your customers without delay.

According to an EnerStar news release, EnerStar Solutions will use Starlink’s full suite of onshore enterprise products, including customized plans for servicing large drilling sites and associated overnight camps.

said Leonard Bleile (P. Eng.), director of product development and network design at EnerStar Communications. Comprehensive backend infrastructure that reflects industry-specific needs. EnerStar’s state-of-the-art cloud connectivity and on-site network are designed to maximize Starlink’s user experience. ”

Complementary communications products that support Starlink connectivity include camera systems, tank monitoring systems, intercoms, IoT devices, and other products, Bleile said.

Advanced products help prioritize data when networks are congested, can be used on the go, and can be deployed across North America. Starlink’s enterprise products are currently approved in the United States, and the company says it will soon be approved for deployment in Canada.

“This is a unique opportunity for Enerstar, and the runway of industry opportunities in energy, mining, civil engineering, films and infrastructure will provide continued demand for years to come.” said Enerstar President James van der Sloat

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https://www.northcentralpa.com/business/local-company-partners-with-spacexs-starlink/article_ab560c6e-44dc-11ed-80b4-63ec3bebea62.html Local Business Partners with SpaceX’s Starlink | Jobs

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