Girard, Ohio residents complain about cats
Girard, Ohio (WKBN)—A problem we’ve noticed in this area is the ever-increasing and excessive number of cats in the home. On Girard’s street, residents say cats affect their daily lives.
A cat and a kitten sit near or outside an open window in a house on East Main Street in Girard. Ms. Carol Fackelman is just one of her many upset neighbors.
“The problem is, these cats are coming here, they’re coming from this house. They’re going under my porch and tearing under my porch. They’re tearing up my porch carpet.” said Fackelman. “They pee all over the place.”
Sierra Haubach says she worries about letting young children play outside because of urine and faeces.
“Last summer there was cat feces all over this neighborhood in front of our house. There are obviously fewer cats this year, so it’s not that bad,” Howbach said. “All the porch furniture we had had to be thrown away because the cats were peeing all over the place.”
On Tuesday morning, after a discussion with neighbors, Mayor Jim Melfi and the city’s zoning department came to inspect the site again.
“I spoke to the owner or renter and they said they were just feeding them, not their cats,” Chief Zoning Inspector Dan Lau said.
We have contacted both the County Health Department and the Animal Welfare Federation regarding this property.
Lori Chandor, chief executive of the Animal Welfare Federation, said: “We have taken care of several kittens who have been advised to rehome, as well as several sick and injured cats that need treatment. I took it,” he said.
Sandor said this is part of a larger problem and he hopes more resources and funding will contribute.
“The feral cat problem in Mahoning Valley is not just in Trumbull County, but in Mahoning County and beyond. said Shandor.
Neighbors are asking you to do something about it.
“You have these animals and you don’t take care of them, you just let them roam around and breed them over and over again,” Fackelman said. “I think they should be held accountable in some way.”
First News attempted to speak to the resident of the house, but received no response. Girard, Ohio residents complain about cats