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State election officials recommend handing in a mail-in ballot.news

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — Voters who have mail-in ballots must return their ballots manually to their county elections office, according to PA Acting Secretary of State Lee Chapman.

Election day is November 8th and voting is open from 7am to 8pm. All mail-in ballots must be received by the voting deadline to be counted. At a press conference on Tuesday, Chapman said he would hand ballots to county elections offices or either dropbox or satellite elections offices, if available.

The U.S. Postal Service ships election mail quickly, Chapman said, with an average ballot delivery time of two to three days.

“If you still have your vote-by-mail ballot, please hand it in as soon as possible to ensure it reaches your county elections office by 8 p.m. on Election Day,” Chapman said Tuesday.

The deadline for military and overseas ballots is November 15th.

Pennsylvania closed the voter registration period with 8,872,968 voters. Of those, 1,419,140 applied for mail-in ballots, and 918,975 were returned by noon Tuesday, Chapman said.

The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

This request from Chapman was made on the same day that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that undated envelope ballots would not count, he said. Associated Press.

The county board of elections was instructed by the court to “keep segregated” those ballots.

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https://www.northcentralpa.com/news/top-state-election-official-recommends-hand-delivery-of-mail-in-ballots/article_f4e2f69e-5ad5-11ed-be1a-9b67da0722b8.html State election officials recommend handing in a mail-in ballot.news

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