Home Lifestyle 7 Ways to Help You Feel Comfortable in Your Skin

7 Ways to Help You Feel Comfortable in Your Skin


Trying to think positive thoughts about yourself can be extremely difficult, especially if you don’t feel confident in your skin. You might have a habit of critiquing yourself instead of accepting yourself for who you really are. But why burden yourself with that type of stress if you don’t have to?

While it can be tough to feel comfortable in your skin, there are ways to help you overcome negative thoughts and accept yourself for the perfect person you are. Let’s take a look at a few of them!

1.   Stop looking for validation

Instead of seeking validation from others, try to find your worth within yourself to become more comfortable and confident in your skin. If you’re a people-pleaser or a perfectionist and only live for the validation of others, you will never be able to live your life according to your own needs and wants.

2.   Prioritize yourself

Practicing self-care is one of the most important and effective ways to feel comfortable in your own skin. By prioritizing your needs, you’ll be able to better understand who you really are.

There are several ways to take care of yourself, and they include everything from saying “no” to people who drain your energy to prioritizing “me” time, such as scheduling regular facials, taking a vacation, or walking around the neighborhood.

There are likely an abundance of self-care opportunities available if you just look around your own community. For instance, if you live in Orlando, make sure you check out the best laser hair removal Orlando to give yourself a treat!

3.   Practice self-awareness

It’s impossible to become more self-aware overnight, but taking even the smallest steps towards self-awareness can help increase your confidence level. It’s important that you become aware of who you are and recognize the good, the exceptional, the bad, and the ugly in yourself.

Look for your weaknesses and strengths and list them without being judgmental. This will help you gather information about yourself and your place in this world.

Sometimes bouncing your thoughts and ideas off of someone else can help you understand yourself better. Consider scheduling a visit with a therapist in Los Angeles if you want professional help in becoming more self-aware.

4.   Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses

Try to accept all of the qualities you’ve learned about yourself. Some might find it more difficult to accept their weaknesses, while others might find accepting their strengths to be more of a challenge.

Once you start working towards self-acceptance, you’ll begin to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin, no matter what other people say or do.

5.   March to your own beat

It’s often difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin when you’re always surrounded by movies and magazines that portray what a “perfect human body” looks like. Instead of trying to achieve that specific image, start appreciating your body because you’re just perfect the way you are.

6.   Hang out with positive people

Hanging out with people who are constantly negative or who frequently put you down can significantly damage your self-esteem. If you’re surrounded by people who aren’t confident in their skin that encourage negative body talk and body shame, you’ll find it hard to work towards self-acceptance. Find a meetup in Austin to make new friends and connect with people who have similar interests.

7.   De-stress

It’s important that you take a break from work whenever you need it and never burden yourself with so much work that you feel overwhelmed. Make sure you take the time to de-stress from things that negatively impact your mental health.

Whether you de-stress by petting your dog or by taking a bubble bath, make sure you do the things that make you feel relaxed and calm, especially if you get overwhelmed.


Tackling your insecurities is no easy task. But as long as you remain true to yourself, practice gratitude, and love all your strengths and flaws, you’ll be able to feel comfortable in your skin sooner rather than later.